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Thank you for your interest in the HoNoMo Revolution! Sis. Cindy and Friends are sharing the Gospel on a college campus everywhere! Our travel expenses are covered by the generous donations of people like you who believe in our mission. You are a vital part of the work! Thank you for joining the team.

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O Come All Ye Faithful

Before the faithful go into all the world to preach the gospel, we must first come to Bethlehem to adore or worship the Incarnate Christ, the Babe, born this happy morning.

Babies are weak and dependent creatures. Isn’t it astounding that our Savior is represented first as a child in a manger, born in obscurity? Lastly, we see him apparently in defeat, weakly hanging from a wooden cross on a mount for every eye to see.

God said to Paul in his suffering, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”–2 Cor 12:9.

The world wants power to escape weakness in ease and comfort, but the faithful are offered power to endure weakness in love and hope. Jesus ultimately triumph over suffering and death, when he rose from the dead on the third day.

For good mental health we cannot give into our fears and anxieties, or even necessarily count on God in this life-time to deliver us from terrible trials and distresses. The faithful should glory and be take pleasure in their infirmities, knowing God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through the difficulties and disappointments of life.

This Christmas morning join the choir of angles and the church triumphant in singing, “Glory to God, Glory in the highest.” Especially those that may be depressed, “sing in exaltation.”

Sing, sing, sing, until you have the victory!


O Come All Ye Faithful
O Come All Ye Faithful

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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

    The Four Questions What is the origin of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the source of morality? What is our destiny?  Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...



Word From Bro. Jed

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