Sis. Pat

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The Amazing Sis. Pat!

sis. patSis Pat travels and preaches daily with Bro. Jed and Sis. Cindy. She is 84 and has preached to college students for over 30 years.  She has led many college students to the Lord.


How Did Sis. Pat Join CMUSA?

"Mama, you've got to come down on campus and hear this man preach; the students can handle anything but the truth."

Mrs. Pat N. listened skeptically as her son Tommy described my ministry and the student response at the University of Wisconsin. Then he handed her a copy of my testimony tract "From Death to Life." When Mrs. N. saw the top picture of me (Bro. Jed) as a hippie freak she decided to go to campus and make sure I was not a guru. She insisted her husband Mick take off work early and they both hurried to the scene.

Witnessing The Campus Ministry first hand, Mrs. N. exclaimed, "This must be the way Jesus did it." That evening the N. took me to dinner and I was able to explain my purpose and methods. They asked if there was anything they could do to help. I told them that Sister Cindy (before marriage) and a companion would be coming through town in a few weeks and if they could give them lodging it would be a big help. They agreed.

 But we did not realize that God had an even greater purpose in introducing us to the N. family; He was going to raise up another campus preacher.


Mrs. N. Becomes Sis. Pat!


From the beginning Mrs. N. would join us on campus and pray for the students as we preached to them. We recognized that she had a great zeal for the lost but we were ignorant of her burning desire to preach the Gospel.

In the fall of 1981 Sister Cindy and Mrs. N. journeyed to her alma mater, the University of Arkansas. Sister Cindy had been preaching to a huge crowd for several hours and she needed a break. She told the crowd that she was going inside for a few minutes but if they had any questions Mrs. Noordewier would answer them.

To their surprise the whole crowd surrounded her and began asking questions. She spent two hours giving asis pat reason for the faith that is within her.

This was the beginning of "Sister Pat" and her ministry to college students. The following spring she joined Sister Cindy on college campuses in Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado.

Sister Pat returned to Madison with a burden to preach at the University of Wisconsin. Mick gave his blessing and she started preaching there regularly--and immediately gained attention on campus. Not only is Sister Pat anointed of God to preach but she has a natural talent for silencing the hecklers and answering trick questions.

One day as Cindy preached, the crowd grew exceptionally rowdy. She retreated inside and answered questions. When she returned Sister Pat had the crowd calmed and listening.

Sister Cindy later asked her how she did it.

She responded, "I'm experienced, I raised three children of my own."

Some might suggest that college students could not relate to a grandmother, but Sister Pat's age gives her more credibility and demands respect. The students look at her as a mother image. In this generation of rebellious women the youth need such a godly example. 

Although Pat always led a conservative and outwardly moral life, she was not always a godly example. The Noordewiers were the typical affluent American family. Mick worked his way to a top administrative position in the U.S. Forest Service. He was a good husband and father. Pat was a capable wife and mother, a good companion to her husband and instructor to her children. For years the Noordewiers were Presbyterians. Mick was a deacon in the church and Pat was a Sunday school teacher. Nevertheless, they were selfish, lost and hell-bound. 

In 1972 Sister Pat went with her sister to a Pentecostal Church meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. That night Pat was wonderfully saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. She rushed home and told her husband the exciting news. Mick began to seek God more and was converted. Pat immediately had two great desires: one, thoroughly study the Scriptures; two, win the whole world to Christ. Each day after Mick went to the office she quickly did the house work and then spent hours studying and reading the Bible. God was preparing her for The Campus Ministry.

sis pat 3For years Sister Pat was a regular fixture in the free speech mall at the University of Wisconsin until after Mick retired they moved from Madison to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. They purchased a motor home and toured the universities and colleges with Jim Gilles or Sister Cindy and me. 



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