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Heroes Past and Present

President Trump praised Travis, Bowie and Crockett, the defenders of the Alamo, at his rally in El Paso. Trump has a sense of the heroic, which is an important aspect of MAGA.

Unfortunately, our contemporary heroes have become creatures of make believe like the “superheroes” Superman, Batman and Spider-man, or rappers and rockers or movie starts portraying the heroic like John Wayne. Still other are sports heroes.

The last heroic president was Theodore Roosevelt, who led his Rough Riders up San Juan Hill in 1898.

The Captains of Industry such as Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, and Carnegie were heroic figures, who took risks in the business world and succeeded beyond men’s imagination. Unfortunately, their reputation has been distorted by those of the socialist mentality, which label them as robber barons, which in a sense adds to their mystic. Inventors were greatly admired in the 19th Century, Fulton, Whitney, and Bell come to mind.

I am a historian by training. One of my heroes in this field is the 19th Century historian of the Oregon Trail, Francis Parkman. I have in my library the complete works of Parkman, who is known for his multi-volume, “France and England in North America.” Parkman, who was virtually blind, lived on the frontier when doing his research.

One of the most heroic preachers in American history was Francis Asbury, the Prophet of the Long Road, who is the father of American Methodism. Our own Ruben Israel is one the most heroic preachers of our time, who constantly faces down danger. His exploits have become legendary. He is also a patriot.

My two main heroes of our time are Rush Limbaugh and Donald J. Trump. I especially admire these men for their communication skills. Rush is on the level of Benjamin Franklin as a great patriot. I have written enough about Donald Trump’s heroics. The one thing lacking in his status as a hero is a military record.

A man’s heroes tell me much about the man. One of Trump’s heroes is Andrew Jackson, Indian fighter and hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

For America to be great again it only requires a relatively few great men, who are dedicated to the cause. Forget the superheroes, sports figures, rappers, rockers and movie stars, although the movie stars can do much to revive truly heroic figures like John Wayne and Fess Parker did for Davy Crockett.

Who are your heroes of the past and the present? We know there are many heroes, who do not get the recognition they deserve and some who get more than they deserve. As for me, I love the stuff of legend whether it is always true about the men or not. Sometimes the legends tell us more about the man than the actual facts.

Heroes Past and Present

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