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Remember How Mexico Lost Texas

Present Trump alluded to William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett in his rally in El Paso. Two days prior, I wrote a short article on these Texas heroes on my Face Book page.

Of these three daring defenders of the Alamo, only Bowie was actually a Mexico citizen, becoming one in 1830. Mexico had a liberal immigration policy, when Texas was still a part of Mexico. Plus, there were many settling in Texas, who were there illegally. These Texan settlers did not assimilate well into the Mexican culture. They were not speaking Spanish; they were not becoming Catholics; they were not accepting Mexican traditions.

When Santa Anna established himself as a dictator in Mexico, he began to tighten up rule over Texas. Texans rebelled. After Santa Anna defeated the defenders of the Alamo, Sam Houston stopped the dictator at the Battle of San Jacinto and he granted Texas its independence. By the time Santa Anna tried to strengthen Mexican rule in Texas, it was too late.

Americans need to recognize the crisis at our southern border, especially in Texas, as illegals are invading our land, who often do not assimilate well into the American way of life of independence. President Trump is sounding the alarm. On the other hand, the Democrats promote open borders, which are a threat to our Republic. With our ridiculous immigration laws, we are making the same mistake as Mexico did in the 19th Century. We could lose our country.

We must not allow Travis, Bowie, Crockett and the other heroic defenders of the Alamo to have died in vain. Donald Trump has the spirit of these defenders and the spirit of Sam Houston to drive back the invasion of our beloved country.

The walls of the Alamo were 9 to 12 feet high and close to three feet wide. In the third siege of the Alamo the Mexican army scaled the walls, which in effect gave the Mexicans the victory which resulted in the slaughter of the brave defenders. Once Trump gets the wall built, it will have to be maintained and defended, which includes never allowing the internationalists socialists i.e. the Democrat party to ever take power again.

“Remember the Alamo!” Build that wall, Mr. President.


Remember How Mexico Lost Texas


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