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Play It Again, Dear Jesus

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday memorializes the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples ten days after Jesus' Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost is a Greek word meaning fifty, Easter +49 days.

Last week I visited Bethel Church in Redding, which acknowledged Mother’s Day as most churches do, which is fine. Unfortunately, even Pentecostals rarely celebrate the Day of Pentecost, which is Biblical. We celebrate Christmas and Easter but usually not Pentecost.

Negative comment on my eyewitness report of the Bethel claimed that the church represents New Age mysticism. Pentecost ushered in a New Age, the Church Age with a mighty mystical experience, when the 120 were filled with the Holy Spirit accompanied with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

I spoke on the subject of Pentecostal at Praise Chapel in Yuba City; and did a FaceBook live stream.

We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Pentecost as not merely a historical event; the Holy Spirit is ever present to endue the Church with power to make Her great and powerful once again. The Church should be the dominating influence in America and the world; we need revival and Pentecost is the key.

Play it again, dear Jesus.



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