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Now Play Ball

Casey Stengel charged home plate in a World Series game. Mikey Mantle having a full count, did not swing on pitch number 7. The home plate umpire yelled "Strike 3!"

Casey was furious, as were most of the Yankee fans. He charged the umpire and got in his face, screaming, as only Casey could do.

The umpire responded in a clearly Brooklyn accent of the period: “I’m the umpire. I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Now play ball!"

Among open-air preachers there is strong controversy about what is permissible to say or not; whether or not a preacher can carry mace or forcefully defend himself, whether or not one can lie to the authorities to avoid trouble or arrest, etc. There are other such issues.

Some are calling preachers with whom they disagree to repentance. They are even shunning those who refuse to change.

Many want to act as umpires and make the decisions for others as to what can be said or not said or do or not do? Who appointed these umpires? We all call ‘em as we sees ‘em. I see the differences as judgment calls as to what is effective and what is not. In my opinion the differences are not moral issues.

Preachers, quit arguing and play ball! Stop putting down one another and go about your business of preaching to the lost. I am glad for all who are playing ball as they think best, including the ones who are denouncing me. I am going to continue going about my ministry, as I have been doing for 45 years, whether the wanna be umpires like it or not.

Mickey Mantle


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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

    The Four Questions What is the origin of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the source of morality? What is our destiny?  Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...



Word From Bro. Jed

  • Get Angry Church

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