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Why I Celebrate Christmas-by Jesse Morrell


We wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We have a wonderful year preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and look forward to the new year!

Our latest ministry newsletter is on our blog: Open Air Preaching Across The United States and see also the recent open air preaching documentaries that we uploaded to my OpenAirOutreach.

I really enjoy the Christmas season because of the Christmas songs about Jesus and the gospel.

I remember walking through the mall as a new Christian and hearing them play a Christmas song about Jesus throughout the entire mall. I thought, "Wow that's amazing. I can't stand up and preach in this mall because they will kick me out. But because it is Christmas time, the gospel message is being preached throughout their whole PA system!"

The first time that I ever heard the gospel in my life was when I was a very little boy and I was in the car with my mother and she put on some Christmas songs on the radio. I vividly remember hearing about God becoming a baby in a manger and how that thought made a deep impression upon my mind. I recall looking up at the stars as I meditated on the Christmas or gospel story.

The gospel was not something that was really talked about in my house growing up, but through Christmas songs I heard and believed the gospel as a boy. Christmas time was really the only time that I was really exposed to the gospel. I wonder how many countless others have been exposed to the gospel this way? During Christmas time through Christmas music, many souls hear the gospel which otherwise may not have.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jesse Morrell family


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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

    The Four Questions What is the origin of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the source of morality? What is our destiny?  Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...



Word From Bro. Jed

  • Get Angry Church

    Since November 3, we have heard from fake news of President Trump “ranting and raging” in the WH. They say that he is “unhinged” and “losing his mind,” etc, etc. These are based on “anonymous...


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