Bro. Jed, Campus Legend

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Thank you for your interest in CMUSA! Bro. Jed and Company are sharing the Gospel on a college campus every school day from the middle of August through the first week of June. Our travel expenses are covered by the generous donations of people like you who believe in our mission. You are a vital part of the work! Thank you for joining the team.

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CMUSA Bro. Jed Smock

PO Box 3845

Terre Haute IN 47803

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Who Has Authorized Brother Jed?


 collage of bro jed

  I was raised, baptized and confirmed in Centenary UMC, a Gothic Cathedral, which was built at the gateway of my alma mater Indiana State University. Yet, I remained dead in my trespasses and sins all of those years. My mind had been destroyed by the vain philosophies of this world propagated by the universities. Gloriously, I was raised from the dead and my mind was renewed in 1972 A.D., when the gospel was declared unto me on a street corner; “when it pleased God . . . to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood”(Gal 1:16). But I walked across the street onto the ISU campus. I cried aloud, I spared not, I lifted up my voice like a trumpet and I showed students and professors their sins and transgressions as the Holy Spirit had shown me my sins (Isa 58:1). God called me independently of a particular ecclesiastical organization. Who then has confirmed my calling to the heathen on university campuses? You, my beloved and faithful supporters have authorized me. Your financial support not only enables me to travel and support a family; but whenever I receive an offering in the mail, it is my encouragement to continue my mission.


There are several churches from which I receive support, thus affirming my call. These churches give me a pulpit; so that I might equip and embolden the saints to witness to the Righteousness of God. There are close friends with whom I have had blessed fellowship over the years and with whom I have contact in my travels and provide hospitality on the road. Some of these people date back over three decades to the beginning of my mission. There are also a few students and professors who have become supporters.


Then there are those who give regularly and generously that I do not have personal contact; but are familiar with my ministry either directly or indirectly. I am overwhelmed at times to receive large and small gifts from people whom I do not know how they became involved in this ministry. I so appreciate your trust in my faithfulness.


Each one of the above categories of partners is precious to me and an affirmation that God is working through them to me, my family and the students. However, one last class of givers is very special to me and is a particular encouragement. These are ones that know me from my youth, who knew me through my rebellious years, who knew my parents. This group is passing from the scene unto their eternal reward. One was one of my high school teachers, another is a high school classmate, another is one of my professors from my college days, and another was a beloved life time family friend.


Some of your gifts are large and some of them are small; but each one is received with joy.  Sometimes, your gifts have a note of appreciation or prayer requests, which are read and sometimes reread.


I consider your gifts and notes to be words beforehand of the words I hope to hear one day, “Well, done thy good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord.”


Thank you, 

Bro Jed

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