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Sartorial Splendor

Bro. Jed in a 3-piece suit
One of my goals is to be an example of sartorial splendor. After all, Joseph is known for his coat of many colors and Jesus wore a fine seamless robe expensive enough for the Roman soldiers to gamble over at his crucifixion. Yet, he is usually portrayed in our day clothed as a peasant.


My typical attire on campus is a suit and tie. After all I am an ambassador for the King of kings. I represent the kingdom of God. Should I not dress appropriately for my station, calling and office?

When I was young it was considered unprofessional for a teacher or preacher to not wear a coat and tie. I rarely saw my father without a white shirt and tie on a week day. He was known the best dressed man on the college faculty. Even when I started in the ministry in the early 70’s, I knew old school ministers who would not preach in their shirt-sleeves.

I work on manifesting a traditional style with at times a flamboyant flair in order to set me apart from others. I wore suspenders before Larry King popularized them again. For the last several years I have been working on bringing hats (not baseball caps) back in style.

Sister Cindy admits that it was the three-piece suits, which I typically wore in the 70’ that originally attracted her to me. I was so well-known for my three-piece suits that the student newspapers would refer to me at ‘the man in the three-piece suit’ even on days when I only wore a two-piece suit.

I am thinking of starting a blog on instructing men in sartorial splendor, if any of my Face Book friends are interested.

When I was young it was axiomatic to say of professional and businessmen, “Clothes make the man.” One rarely hears that saying anymore.


Bro. Jed in a 3-piece suit


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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

    The Four Questions What is the origin of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the source of morality? What is our destiny?  Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...



Word From Bro. Jed

  • Get Angry Church

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