Bible Cross References
the law
Leviticus 19:18
Do not take revenge on others or continue to hate them, but love your neighbors as you love yourself. I am the LORD.
Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
Psalm 51:6
Sincerity and truth are what you require; fill my mind with your wisdom.
Matthew 5:22
But now I tell you: if you are angry with your brother you will be brought to trial, if you call your brother 'You good-for-nothing!' you will be brought before the Council, and if you call your brother a worthless fool you will be in danger of going to the fire of hell.
Matthew 5:28
But now I tell you: anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 22:37-40
Jesus answered, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'
This is the greatest and the most important commandment.
The second most important commandment is like it: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.'
The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments."
Hebrews 4:12
The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.
Romans 7:18
I know that good does not live in me---that is, in my human nature. For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it.
Romans 7:22
My inner being delights in the law of God.
Romans 7:23
But I see a different law at work in my body---a law that fights against the law which my mind approves of. It makes me a prisoner to the law of sin which is at work in my body.
Job 42:6
So I am ashamed of all I have said and repent in dust and ashes.
Psalm 119:25
I lie defeated in the dust; revive me, as you have promised.
Proverbs 30:2
I am more like an animal than a human being; I do not have the sense we humans should have.
Proverbs 30:5
"God keeps every promise he makes. He is like a shield for all who seek his protection.
Isaiah 6:5
I said, "There is no hope for me! I am doomed because every word that passes my lips is sinful, and I live among a people whose every word is sinful. And yet, with my own eyes I have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."
Isaiah 64:5
You welcome those who find joy in doing what is right, those who remember how you want them to live. You were angry with us, but we went on sinning; in spite of your great anger we have continued to do wrong since ancient times.
Isaiah 64:6
All of us have been sinful; even our best actions are filthy through and through. Because of our sins we are like leaves that wither and are blown away by the wind.
Luke 5:8
When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he fell on his knees before Jesus and said, "Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!"
Luke 7:6
So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the officer sent friends to tell him, "Sir, don't trouble yourself. I do not deserve to have you come into my house,
Luke 18:11-14
The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed, 'I thank you, God, that I am not greedy, dishonest, or an adulterer, like everybody else. I thank you that I am not like that tax collector over there.
I fast two days a week, and I give you one tenth of all my income.'
But the tax collector stood at a distance and would not even raise his face to heaven, but beat on his breast and said, 'God, have pity on me, a sinner!'
I tell you," said Jesus, "the tax collector, and not the Pharisee, was in the right with God when he went home. For those who make themselves great will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be made great."
Ephesians 3:8
I am less than the least of all God's people; yet God gave me this privilege of taking to the Gentiles the Good News about the infinite riches of Christ,
Matthew 16:23
Jesus turned around and said to Peter, "Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way, because these thoughts of yours don't come from God, but from human nature."
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
As a matter of fact, my friends, I could not talk to you as I talk to people who have the Spirit; I had to talk to you as though you belonged to this world, as children in the Christian faith.
I had to feed you milk, not solid food, because you were not ready for it. And even now you are not ready for it,
because you still live as the people of this world live. When there is jealousy among you and you quarrel with one another, doesn't this prove that you belong to this world, living by its standards?
Romans 7:24
What an unhappy man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is taking me to death?
Genesis 37:27
Let's sell him to these Ishmaelites. Then we won't have to hurt him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood." His brothers agreed,
Genesis 37:36
Meanwhile, in Egypt the Midianites had sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of the king's officers, who was the captain of the palace guard.
Genesis 40:15
After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison."
Exodus 21:2-6
If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve you for six years. In the seventh year he is to be set free without having to pay anything.
If he was unmarried when he became your slave, he is not to take a wife with him when he leaves; but if he was married when he became your slave, he may take his wife with him.
If his master gave him a wife and she bore him sons or daughters, the woman and her children belong to the master, and the man is to leave by himself.
But if the slave declares that he loves his master, his wife, and his children and does not want to be set free,
then his master shall take him to the place of worship. There he is to make him stand against the door or the doorpost and put a hole through his ear. Then he will be his slave for life.
Exodus 22:3
1 Kings 21:20
When Ahab saw Elijah, he said, "Have you caught up with me, my enemy?" "Yes, I have," Elijah answered. "You have devoted yourself completely to doing what is wrong in the LORD's sight.
1 Kings 21:25
(There was no one else who had devoted himself so completely to doing wrong in the LORD's sight as Ahab---all at the urging of his wife Jezebel.
2 Kings 17:17
They sacrificed their sons and daughters as burnt offerings to pagan gods; they consulted mediums and fortunetellers, and they devoted themselves completely to doing what is wrong in the LORD's sight, and so aroused his anger.
Isaiah 50:1
The LORD says, "Do you think I sent my people away like a man who divorces his wife? Where, then, are the papers of divorce? Do you think I sold you into captivity like a man who sells his children as slaves? No, you went away captive because of your sins; you were sent away because of your crimes.
Isaiah 52:3
The Sovereign LORD says to his people, "When you became slaves, no money was paid for you; in the same way nothing will be paid to set you free.
Amos 2:6
The LORD says, "The people of Israel have sinned again and again, and for this I will certainly punish them. They sell into slavery honest people who cannot pay their debts, the poor who cannot repay even the price of a pair of sandals.
Matthew 18:25
The servant did not have enough to pay his debt, so the king ordered him to be sold as a slave, with his wife and his children and all that he had, in order to pay the debt.