Bible Cross References
Micah 3:12
And so, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a pile of ruins, and the Temple hill will become a forest.
Isaiah 24:10-12
In the city everything is in chaos, and people lock themselves in their houses for safety.
People shout in the streets because there is no more wine. Happiness is gone forever; it has been banished from the land.
The city is in ruins, and its gates have been broken down.
Isaiah 27:10
The fortified city lies in ruins. It is deserted like an empty wilderness. It has become a pasture for cattle, where they can rest and graze.
Isaiah 32:13
and thorn bushes and briers are growing on my people's land. Weep for all the houses where people were happy and for the city that was full of life.
Isaiah 32:14
Even the palace will be abandoned and the capital city totally deserted. Homes and the forts that guarded them will be in ruins forever. Wild donkeys will roam there, and sheep will find pasture there.
Isaiah 40:6-8
A voice cries out, "Proclaim a message!" "What message shall I proclaim?" I ask. "Proclaim that all human beings are like grass; they last no longer than wild flowers.
Grass withers and flowers fade when the LORD sends the wind blowing over them. People are no more enduring than grass.
Yes, grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of our God endures forever."
Isaiah 66:6
Listen! That loud noise in the city, that sound in the Temple, is the sound of the LORD punishing his enemies!
Jeremiah 19:11-13
and to tell them that the LORD Almighty had said, "I will break this people and this city, and it will be like this broken clay jar that cannot be put together again. People will bury their dead even in Topheth because there will be nowhere else to bury them.
I promise that I will make this city and its inhabitants like Topheth.
The houses of Jerusalem, the houses of the kings of Judah, and indeed all the houses on whose roofs incense has been burned to the stars and where wine has been poured out as an offering to other gods---they will all be as unclean as Topheth."
Jeremiah 26:6
If you continue to disobey, then I will do to this Temple what I did to Shiloh, and all the nations of the world will use the name of this city as a curse."
Jeremiah 26:18
"When Hezekiah was king of Judah, the prophet Micah of Moresheth told all the people that the LORD Almighty had said, 'Zion will be plowed like a field; Jerusalem will become a pile of ruins, and the Temple hill will become a forest.'
Jeremiah 37:8-10
Then the Babylonians will come back, attack the city, capture it, and burn it down.
I, the LORD, warn you not to deceive yourselves into thinking that the Babylonians will not come back, because they will.
Even if you defeat the whole Babylonian army, so that only wounded men are left, lying in their tents, they would still get up and burn this city to the ground."
Hosea 13:16
Samaria must be punished for rebelling against me. Her people will die in war; babies will be dashed to the ground, and pregnant women will be ripped open."
Amos 2:5
So I will send fire upon Judah and burn down the fortresses of Jerusalem."
Amos 3:8-15
When a lion roars, who can keep from being afraid? When the Sovereign LORD speaks, who can keep from proclaiming his message?
Announce to those who live in the palaces of Egypt and Ashdod: "Gather together in the hills around Samaria and see the great disorder and the crimes being committed there."
The LORD says, "These people fill their mansions with things taken by crime and violence. They don't even know how to be honest.
And so an enemy will surround their land, destroy their defenses, and plunder their mansions."
The LORD says, "As a shepherd recovers only two legs or an ear of a sheep that a lion has eaten, so only a few will survive of Samaria's people, who now recline on luxurious couches.
Listen now, and warn the descendants of Jacob," says the Sovereign LORD Almighty.
"On the day when I punish the people of Israel for their sins, I will destroy the altars of Bethel. The corners of every altar will be broken off and will fall to the ground.
I will destroy winter houses and summer houses. The houses decorated with ivory will fall in ruins; every large house will be destroyed."
Amos 6:1
How terrible it will be for you that have such an easy life in Zion and for you that feel safe in Samaria---you great leaders of this great nation Israel, you to whom the people go for help!
Jonah 3:4
Jonah started through the city, and after walking a whole day, he proclaimed, "In forty days Nineveh will be destroyed!"
Zephaniah 3:2
It has not listened to the LORD or accepted his discipline. It has not put its trust in the LORD or asked for his help.
2 Kings 22:11-20
When the king heard the book being read, he tore his clothes in dismay,
and gave the following order to Hilkiah the priest, to Ahikam son of Shaphan, to Achbor son of Micaiah, to Shaphan, the court secretary, and to Asaiah, the king's attendant:
"Go and consult the LORD for me and for all the people of Judah about the teachings of this book. The LORD is angry with us because our ancestors have not done what this book says must be done."
Hilkiah, Ahikam, Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to consult a woman named Huldah, a prophet who lived in the newer part of Jerusalem. (Her husband Shallum, the son of Tikvah and grandson of Harhas, was in charge of the Temple robes.) They described to her what had happened,
and she told them to go back to the king and give him
the following message from the LORD: "I am going to punish Jerusalem and all its people, as written in the book that the king has read.
They have rejected me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and so have stirred up my anger by all they have done. My anger is aroused against Jerusalem, and it will not die down.
As for the king himself, this is what I, the LORD God of Israel, say: You listened to what is written in the book,
and you repented and humbled yourself before me, tearing your clothes and weeping, when you heard how I threatened to punish Jerusalem and its people. I will make it a terrifying sight, a place whose name people will use as a curse. But I have heard your prayer,
and the punishment which I am going to bring on Jerusalem will not come until after your death. I will let you die in peace." The men returned to King Josiah with this message.
Psalm 107:43
May those who are wise think about these things; may they consider the LORD's constant love.
Proverbs 22:3
Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.
Isaiah 26:11
Your enemies do not know that you will punish them. LORD, put them to shame and let them suffer; let them suffer the punishment you have prepared. Show them how much you love your people.
Hosea 14:9
May those who are wise understand what is written here, and may they take it to heart. The LORD's ways are right, and righteous people live by following them, but sinners stumble and fall because they ignore them.
the man of wisdom shall see thy name
Exodus 34:5-7
The LORD came down in a cloud, stood with him there, and pronounced his holy name, the LORD.
The LORD then passed in front of him and called out, "I, the LORD, am a God who is full of compassion and pity, who is not easily angered and who shows great love and faithfulness.
I keep my promise for thousands of generations and forgive evil and sin; but I will not fail to punish children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their parents."
Psalm 9:16
The LORD has revealed himself by his righteous judgments, and the wicked are trapped by their own deeds.
Psalm 48:10
You are praised by people everywhere, and your fame extends over all the earth. You rule with justice;
Psalm 83:18
May they know that you alone are the LORD, supreme ruler over all the earth.
Isaiah 30:27
The LORD's power and glory can be seen in the distance. Fire and smoke show his anger. He speaks, and his words burn like fire.
2 Samuel 21:1
During David's reign there was a severe famine which lasted for three full years. So David consulted the LORD about it, and the LORD said, "Saul and his family are guilty of murder; he put the people of Gibeon to death."
Job 5:6-8
Evil does not grow in the soil, nor does trouble grow out of the ground.
No indeed! We bring trouble on ourselves, as surely as sparks fly up from a fire.
If I were you, I would turn to God and present my case to him.
Job 5:17-8
Job 10:2
Don't condemn me, God. Tell me! What is the charge against me?
Isaiah 9:13
The people of Israel have not repented; even though the LORD Almighty has punished them, they have not returned to him.
Isaiah 10:5
The LORD said, "Assyria! I use Assyria like a club to punish those with whom I am angry.
Isaiah 10:6
I sent Assyria to attack a godless nation, people who have made me angry. I sent them to loot and steal and trample the people like dirt in the streets."
Jeremiah 14:18-22
When I go out in the fields, I see the bodies of men killed in war; when I go into the towns, I see people starving to death. Prophets and priests carry on their work, but they don't know what they are doing."
LORD, have you completely rejected Judah? Do you hate the people of Zion? Why have you hurt us so badly that we cannot be healed? We looked for peace, but nothing good happened; we hoped for healing, but terror came instead.
We have sinned against you, LORD; we confess our own sins and the sins of our ancestors.
Remember your promises and do not despise us; do not bring disgrace on Jerusalem, the place of your glorious throne. Do not break the covenant you made with us.
None of the idols of the nations can send rain; the sky by itself cannot make showers fall. We have put our hope in you, O LORD our God, because you are the one who does these things.
Lamentations 3:39-42
Why should we ever complain when we are punished for our sin?
Let us examine our ways and turn back to the LORD.
Let us open our hearts to God in heaven and pray,
"We have sinned and rebelled, and you, O LORD, have not forgiven us.
Joel 2:11-18
The LORD thunders commands to his army. The troops that obey him are many and mighty. How terrible is the day of the LORD! Who will survive it?
"But even now," says the LORD, "repent sincerely and return to me with fasting and weeping and mourning.
Let your broken heart show your sorrow; tearing your clothes is not enough." Come back to the LORD your God. He is kind and full of mercy; he is patient and keeps his promise; he is always ready to forgive and not punish.
Perhaps the LORD your God will change his mind and bless you with abundant crops. Then you can offer him grain and wine.
Blow the trumpet on Mount Zion; give orders for a fast and call an assembly!
Gather the people together; prepare them for a sacred meeting; bring the old people; gather the children and the babies too. Even newly married couples must leave their homes and come.
The priests, serving the LORD between the altar and the entrance of the Temple, must weep and pray: "Have pity on your people, LORD. Do not let other nations despise us and mock us by saying, 'Where is your God?' "
Then the LORD showed concern for his land; he had mercy on his people.
Amos 4:6-12
"I was the one who brought famine to all your cities, yet you did not come back to me.
I kept it from raining when your crops needed it most. I sent rain on one city, but not on another. Rain fell on one field, but another field dried up.
Weak with thirst, the people of several cities went to a city where they hoped to find water, but there was not enough to drink. Still you did not come back to me.
"I sent a scorching wind to dry up your crops. The locusts ate up all your gardens and vineyards, your fig trees and olive trees. Still you did not come back to me.
"I sent a plague on you like the one I sent on Egypt. I killed your young men in battle and took your horses away. I filled your nostrils with the stink of dead bodies in your camps. Still you did not come back to me.
"I destroyed some of you as I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Those of you who survived were like a burning stick saved from a fire. Still you did not come back to me," says the LORD.
"So then, people of Israel, I am going to punish you. And because I am going to do this, get ready to face my judgment!"
Jonah 3:5-10
The people of Nineveh believed God's message. So they decided that everyone should fast, and all the people, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth to show that they had repented.
When the king of Nineveh heard about it, he got up from his throne, took off his robe, put on sackcloth, and sat down in ashes.
He sent out a proclamation to the people of Nineveh: "This is an order from the king and his officials: No one is to eat anything; all persons, cattle, and sheep are forbidden to eat or drink.
All persons and animals must wear sackcloth. Everyone must pray earnestly to God and must give up their wicked behavior and their evil actions.
Perhaps God will change his mind; perhaps he will stop being angry, and we will not die!"
God saw what they did; he saw that they had given up their wicked behavior. So he changed his mind and did not punish them as he had said he would.
Haggai 1:5-7
Don't you see what is happening to you?
You have planted much grain, but have harvested very little. You have food to eat, but not enough to make you full. You have wine to drink, but not enough to get drunk on! You have clothing, but not enough to keep you warm. And workers cannot earn enough to live on.
Can't you see why this has happened?
Revelation 3:19
I rebuke and punish all whom I love. Be in earnest, then, and turn from your sins.
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