Bible Cross References
Isaiah 61:4
They will rebuild cities that have long been in ruins.
Nehemiah 2:5
and then I said to the emperor, "If Your Majesty is pleased with me and is willing to grant my request, let me go to the land of Judah, to the city where my ancestors are buried, so that I can rebuild the city."
Nehemiah 2:17
But now I said to them, "See what trouble we are in because Jerusalem is in ruins and its gates are destroyed! Let's rebuild the city walls and put an end to our disgrace."
Nehemiah 4:1-6
When Sanballat heard that we Jews had begun rebuilding the wall, he became furious and began to ridicule us.
In front of his companions and the Samaritan troops he said, "What do these miserable Jews think they're doing? Do they intend to rebuild the city? Do they think that by offering sacrifices they can finish the work in one day? Can they make building stones out of heaps of burnt rubble?"
Tobiah was standing there beside him, and he added, "What kind of wall could they ever build? Even a fox could knock it down!"
I prayed, "Hear how they make fun of us, O God! Let their ridicule fall on their own heads. Let them be robbed of everything they have, and let them be taken as prisoners to a foreign land.
Don't forgive the evil they do and don't forget their sins, for they have insulted us who are building."
So we went on rebuilding the wall, and soon it was half its full height, because the people were eager to work.
Jeremiah 31:38
"The time is coming," says the LORD, "when all of Jerusalem will be rebuilt as my city, from Hananel Tower west to the Corner Gate.
Ezekiel 36:4
So now listen to what I, the Sovereign LORD, say to you mountains and hills, to you brooks and valleys, to you places that were left in ruins, and to you deserted cities which were plundered and mocked by all the surrounding nations.
Ezekiel 36:8-11
But on the mountains of Israel the trees will again grow leaves and bear fruit for you, my people Israel. You are going to come home soon.
I am on your side, and I will make sure that your land is plowed again and crops are planted on it.
I will make your population grow. You will live in the cities and rebuild everything that was left in ruins.
I will make people and cattle increase in number. There will be more of you than ever before, and you will have many children. I will let you live there as you used to live, and I will make you more prosperous than ever. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 36:33-11
Amos 9:14
I will bring my people back to their land. They will rebuild their ruined cities and live there; they will plant vineyards and drink the wine; they will plant gardens and eat what they grow.
Isaiah 51:3
"I will show compassion to Jerusalem, to all who live in her ruins. Though her land is a desert, I will make it a garden, like the garden I planted in Eden. Joy and gladness will be there, and songs of praise and thanks to me.
Isaiah 52:9
Break into shouts of joy, you ruins of Jerusalem! The LORD will rescue his city and comfort his people.
The repairer
Nehemiah 4:7
Sanballat, Tobiah, and the people of Arabia, Ammon, and Ashdod heard that we were making progress in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and that the gaps in the wall were being closed, and they became very angry.
Nehemiah 6:1
Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem, and the rest of our enemies heard that we had finished building the wall and that there were no gaps left in it, although we still had not set up the gates in the gateways.
Daniel 9:25
Note this and understand it: From the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until God's chosen leader comes, seven times seven years will pass. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses, and will stand for seven times sixty-two years, but this will be a time of troubles.
Amos 9:11
The LORD says, "A day is coming when I will restore the kingdom of David, which is like a house fallen into ruins. I will repair its walls and restore it. I will rebuild it and make it as it was long ago.
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