Bible Cross References
what doth
Jeremiah 7:22
I gave your ancestors no commands about burnt offerings or any other kinds of sacrifices when I brought them out of Egypt.
Jeremiah 7:23
But I did command them to obey me, so that I would be their God and they would be my people. And I told them to live the way I had commanded them, so that things would go well for them.
Micah 6:8
No, the LORD has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.
Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.
Matthew 11:30
For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light."
1 John 5:3
For our love for God means that we obey his commands. And his commands are not too hard for us,
Deuteronomy 6:13
Honor the LORD your God, worship only him, and make your promises in his name alone.
Psalm 34:9
Honor the LORD, all his people; those who obey him have all they need.
Psalm 128:1
Happy are those who obey the LORD, who live by his commands.
Jeremiah 32:39
I will give them a single purpose in life: to honor me for all time, for their own good and the good of their descendants.
Jeremiah 32:40
I will make an eternal covenant with them. I will never stop doing good things for them, and I will make them fear me with all their heart, so that they will never turn away from me.
Acts 9:31
And so it was that the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had a time of peace. Through the help of the Holy Spirit it was strengthened and grew in numbers, as it lived in reverence for the Lord.
1 Peter 1:17
You call him Father, when you pray to God, who judges all people by the same standard, according to what each one has done; so then, spend the rest of your lives here on earth in reverence for him.
to walk
Deuteronomy 5:33
Obey them all, so that everything will go well with you and so that you will continue to live in the land that you are going to occupy.
Joshua 22:5
Make sure you obey the law that Moses commanded you: love the LORD your God, do his will, obey his commandments, be faithful to him, and serve him with all your heart and soul."
Psalm 81:13
How I wish my people would listen to me; how I wish they would obey me!
Ezekiel 11:20
Then they will keep my laws and faithfully obey all my commands. They will be my people, and I will be their God.
Titus 2:11
For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people.
Titus 2:12
That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world,
1 Peter 1:15
Instead, be holy in all that you do, just as God who called you is holy.
1 Peter 1:16
The scripture says, "Be holy because I am holy."
Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 11:13
"So then, obey the commands that I have given you today; love the LORD your God and serve him with all your heart.
Deuteronomy 30:16
If you obey the commands of the LORD your God, which I give you today, if you love him, obey him, and keep all his laws, then you will prosper and become a nation of many people. The LORD your God will bless you in the land that you are about to occupy.
Deuteronomy 30:20
Love the LORD your God, obey him and be faithful to him, and then you and your descendants will live long in the land that he promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
Psalm 18:1
How I love you, LORD! You are my defender.
Psalm 145:20
He protects everyone who loves him, but he will destroy the wicked.
Matthew 22:37
Jesus answered, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'
Mark 12:29-33
Jesus replied, "The most important one is this: 'Listen, Israel! The Lord our God is the only Lord.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The second most important commandment is this: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' There is no other commandment more important than these two."
The teacher of the Law said to Jesus, "Well done, Teacher! It is true, as you say, that only the Lord is God and that there is no other god but he.
And you must love God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength; and you must love your neighbor as you love yourself. It is more important to obey these two commandments than to offer on the altar animals and other sacrifices to God."
Luke 10:27
The man answered, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind'; and 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' "
Luke 11:42
"How terrible for you Pharisees! You give to God one tenth of the seasoning herbs, such as mint and rue and all the other herbs, but you neglect justice and love for God. These you should practice, without neglecting the others.
Romans 8:28
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.
1 John 2:15
Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father.
1 John 4:19
We love because God first loved us.
1 John 4:20
If we say we love God, but hate others, we are liars. For we cannot love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love others, whom we have seen.
1 John 5:2
This is how we know that we love God's children: it is by loving God and obeying his commands.
1 John 5:5
Who can defeat the world? Only the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
to serve
Job 36:11
If they obey God and serve him, they live out their lives in peace and prosperity.
Zephaniah 3:9
"Then I will change the people of the nations, and they will pray to me alone and not to other gods. They will all obey me.
Romans 1:9
God is my witness that what I say is true---the God whom I serve with all my heart by preaching the Good News about his Son. God knows that I remember you
Hebrews 12:28
Let us be thankful, then, because we receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Let us be grateful and worship God in a way that will please him, with reverence and awe;
God with all
Deuteronomy 4:29
There you will look for the LORD your God, and if you search for him with all your heart, you will find him.
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