Bible Cross References
the vineyard
Psalm 80:8-11
You brought a grapevine out of Egypt; you drove out other nations and planted it in their land.
You cleared a place for it to grow; its roots went deep, and it spread out over the whole land.
It covered the hills with its shade; its branches overshadowed the giant cedars.
It extended its branches to the Mediterranean Sea and as far as the Euphrates River.
Psalm 80:15-11
Jeremiah 12:10
Many foreign rulers have destroyed my vineyard; they have trampled down my fields; they have turned my lovely land into a desert.
his pleasant plant
Isaiah 62:5
Like a young man taking a virgin as his bride, He who formed you will marry you. As a groom is delighted with his bride, So your God will delight in you.
Psalm 147:11
but he takes pleasure in those who honor him, in those who trust in his constant love.
Psalm 149:4
The LORD takes pleasure in his people; he honors the humble with victory.
Song of Songs 7:6
How pretty you are, how beautiful; how complete the delights of your love.
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you; his power gives you victory. The LORD will take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you,
he looked
Isaiah 5:2
He dug the soil and cleared it of stones; he planted the finest vines. He built a tower to guard them, dug a pit for treading the grapes. He waited for the grapes to ripen, but every grape was sour.
Isaiah 58:6-8
"The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free.
Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.
"Then my favor will shine on you like the morning sun, and your wounds will be quickly healed. I will always be with you to save you; my presence will protect you on every side.
Exodus 22:22-27
Do not mistreat any widow or orphan.
If you do, I, the LORD, will answer them when they cry out to me for help,
and I will become angry and kill you in war. Your wives will become widows, and your children will be fatherless.
"If you lend money to any of my people who are poor, do not act like a moneylender and require him to pay interest.
If you take someone's cloak as a pledge that he will pay you, you must give it back to him before the sun sets,
because it is the only covering he has to keep him warm. What else can he sleep in? When he cries out to me for help, I will answer him because I am merciful.
Micah 6:8
No, the LORD has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.
Zechariah 7:9-14
"Long ago I gave these commands to my people: 'You must see that justice is done, and must show kindness and mercy to one another.
Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners who live among you, or anyone else in need. And do not plan ways of harming one another.'
"But my people stubbornly refused to listen. They closed their minds
and made their hearts as hard as rock. Because they would not listen to the teaching which I sent through the prophets who lived long ago, I became very angry.
Because they did not listen when I spoke, I did not answer when they prayed.
Like a storm I swept them away to live in foreign countries. This good land was left a desolate place, with no one living in it."
Matthew 3:8-10
Do those things that will show that you have turned from your sins.
And don't think you can escape punishment by saying that Abraham is your ancestor. I tell you that God can take these rocks and make descendants for Abraham!
The ax is ready to cut down the trees at the roots; every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire.
Matthew 23:23
"How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You give to God one tenth even of the seasoning herbs, such as mint, dill, and cumin, but you neglect to obey the really important teachings of the Law, such as justice and mercy and honesty. These you should practice, without neglecting the others.
John 15:2
He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, so that it will be clean and bear more fruit.
1 Corinthians 6:8-11
Instead, you yourselves wrong one another and rob one another, even other believers!
Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God's Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts
or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves---none of these will possess God's Kingdom.
Some of you were like that. But you have been purified from sin; you have been dedicated to God; you have been put right with God by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 John 3:7
Let no one deceive you, my children! Whoever does what is right is righteous, just as Christ is righteous.
1 John 3:8
Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the very beginning. The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the Devil had done.
Isaiah 1:6
From head to foot there is not a healthy spot on your body. You are covered with bruises and sores and open wounds. Your wounds have not been cleaned or bandaged. No medicine has been put on them.
Isaiah 3:17
But I will punish them---I will shave their heads and leave them bald."
a cry
Genesis 4:10
Then the LORD said, "Why have you done this terrible thing? Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like a voice calling for revenge.
Exodus 2:23
Years later the king of Egypt died, but the Israelites were still groaning under their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry went up to God,
Exodus 2:24
who heard their groaning and remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Exodus 3:7
Then the LORD said, "I have seen how cruelly my people are being treated in Egypt; I have heard them cry out to be rescued from their slave drivers. I know all about their sufferings,
Exodus 22:21-24
"Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner; remember that you were foreigners in Egypt.
Do not mistreat any widow or orphan.
If you do, I, the LORD, will answer them when they cry out to me for help,
and I will become angry and kill you in war. Your wives will become widows, and your children will be fatherless.
Exodus 22:27-24
Deuteronomy 15:9
Do not refuse to lend them something, just because the year when debts are canceled is near. Do not let such an evil thought enter your mind. If you refuse to make the loan, they will cry out to the LORD against you, and you will be held guilty.
Nehemiah 5:1-5
Some time later many of the people, both men and women, began to complain against the other Jews.
Some said, "We have large families, we need grain to keep us alive."
Others said, "We have had to mortgage our fields and vineyards and houses to get enough grain to keep us from starving."
Still others said, "We had to borrow money to pay the royal tax on our fields and vineyards.
We are of the same race as the other Jews. Aren't our children just as good as theirs? But we have to make slaves of our children. Some of our daughters have already been sold as slaves. We are helpless because our fields and vineyards have been taken away from us."
Job 31:38
If I have stolen the land I farm and taken it from its rightful owners---
Job 31:39
if I have eaten the food that grew there but let the farmers that grew it starve---
Job 34:28
They forced the poor to cry out to God, and he heard their calls for help.
Proverbs 21:13
If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard.
Luke 18:7
Now, will God not judge in favor of his own people who cry to him day and night for help? Will he be slow to help them?
James 5:4
You have not paid any wages to those who work in your fields. Listen to their complaints! The cries of those who gather in your crops have reached the ears of God, the Lord Almighty.
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