Bible Cross References
Psalm 48:11
let the people of Zion be glad! You give right judgments; let there be joy in the cities of Judah!
Psalm 58:10
The righteous will be glad when they see sinners punished; they will wade through the blood of the wicked.
Psalm 58:11
People will say, "The righteous are indeed rewarded; there is indeed a God who judges the world."
Psalm 83:17
May they be defeated and terrified forever; may they die in complete disgrace.
Psalm 83:18
May they know that you alone are the LORD, supreme ruler over all the earth.
Exodus 7:5
The Egyptians will then know that I am the LORD, when I raise my hand against them and bring the Israelites out of their country."
Exodus 14:4
I will make him stubborn, and he will pursue you, and my victory over the king and his army will bring me honor. Then the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD." The Israelites did as they were told.
Exodus 14:10
When the Israelites saw the king and his army marching against them, they were terrified and cried out to the LORD for help.
Exodus 14:31
When the Israelites saw the great power with which the LORD had defeated the Egyptians, they stood in awe of the LORD; and they had faith in the LORD and in his servant Moses.
Deuteronomy 29:22-28
"In future generations your descendants and foreigners from distant lands will see the disasters and sufferings that the LORD has brought on your land.
The fields will be a barren waste, covered with sulfur and salt; nothing will be planted, and not even weeds will grow there. Your land will be like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Admah and Zeboiim, which the LORD destroyed when he was furiously angry.
Then the whole world will ask, 'Why did the LORD do this to their land? What was the reason for his fierce anger?'
And the answer will be, 'It is because the LORD's people broke the covenant they had made with him, the God of their ancestors, when he brought them out of Egypt.
They served other gods that they had never worshiped before, gods that the LORD had forbidden them to worship.
And so the LORD became angry with his people and brought on their land all the disasters written in this book.
The LORD became furiously angry, and in his great anger he uprooted them from their land and threw them into a foreign land, and there they are today.'
Joshua 2:10
We have heard how the LORD dried up the Red Sea in front of you when you were leaving Egypt. We have also heard how you killed Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan.
Joshua 2:11
We were afraid as soon as we heard about it; we have all lost our courage because of you. The LORD your God is God in heaven above and here on earth.
Judges 1:7
Adonibezek said, "Seventy kings with their thumbs and big toes cut off have picked up scraps under my table. God has now done to me what I did to them." He was taken to Jerusalem, where he died.
1 Samuel 6:19
The LORD killed seventy of the men of Beth Shemesh because they looked inside the Covenant Box. And the people mourned because the LORD had caused such a great slaughter among them.
1 Samuel 6:20
So the men of Beth Shemesh said, "Who can stand before the LORD, this holy God? Where can we send him to get him away from us?"
1 Samuel 17:46
This very day the LORD will put you in my power; I will defeat you and cut off your head. And I will give the bodies of the Philistine soldiers to the birds and animals to eat. Then the whole world will know that Israel has a God,
2 Kings 19:19
Now, LORD our God, rescue us from the Assyrians, so that all the nations of the world will know that only you, O LORD, are God."
2 Kings 19:34
I will defend this city and protect it, for the sake of my own honor and because of the promise I made to my servant David.' "
2 Kings 19:35
That night an angel of the LORD went to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 soldiers. At dawn the next day there they lay, all dead!
Psalm 11:6
He sends down flaming coals and burning sulfur on the wicked; he punishes them with scorching winds.
Psalm 140:9
Don't let my enemies be victorious; make their threats against me fall back on them.
Proverbs 6:2
Have you been caught by your own words, trapped by your own promises?
Proverbs 12:13
The wicked are trapped by their own words, but honest people get themselves out of trouble.
Isaiah 8:15
Many will stumble; they will fall and be crushed. They will be caught in a trap."
Isaiah 28:13
That is why the LORD is going to teach you letter by letter, line by line, lesson by lesson. Then you will stumble with every step you take. You will be wounded, trapped, and taken prisoner.
Higgaion, that is, Meditation
Psalm 5:1
Listen to my words, O LORD, and hear my sighs.
Psalm 19:14
May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to you, O LORD, my refuge and my redeemer!
Psalm 92:3
with the music of stringed instruments and with melody on the harp.
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