Bible Cross References
the covenant
Genesis 17:9-14
God said to Abraham, "You also must agree to keep the covenant with me, both you and your descendants in future generations.
You and your descendants must all agree to circumcise every male among you.
From now on you must circumcise every baby boy when he is eight days old, including slaves born in your homes and slaves bought from foreigners. This will show that there is a covenant between you and me.
Each one must be circumcised, and this will be a physical sign to show that my covenant with you is everlasting.
Any male who has not been circumcised will no longer be considered one of my people, because he has not kept the covenant with me."
John 7:22
Moses ordered you to circumcise your sons (although it was not Moses but your ancestors who started it), and so you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath.
Romans 4:10
When did this take place? Was it before or after Abraham was circumcised? It was before, not after.
Galatians 3:15
My friends, I am going to use an everyday example: when two people agree on a matter and sign an agreement, no one can break it or add anything to it.
Galatians 3:17
What I mean is that God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to keep it. The Law, which was given four hundred and thirty years later, cannot break that covenant and cancel God's promise.
and so
Genesis 17:12
Genesis 21:1-4
The LORD blessed Sarah, as he had promised,
and she became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham when he was old. The boy was born at the time God had said he would be born.
Abraham named him Isaac,
and when Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded.
and Isaac
Genesis 25:21-26
Because Rebecca had no children, Isaac prayed to the LORD for her. The LORD answered his prayer, and Rebecca became pregnant.
She was going to have twins, and before they were born, they struggled against each other in her womb. She said, "Why should something like this happen to me?" So she went to ask the LORD for an answer.
The LORD said to her, "Two nations are within you; You will give birth to two rival peoples. One will be stronger than the other; The older will serve the younger."
The time came for her to give birth, and she had twin sons.
The first one was reddish, and his skin was like a hairy robe, so he was named Esau.
The second one was born holding on tightly to the heel of Esau, so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born.
1 Chronicles 1:34
Abraham's son Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.
Matthew 1:2
From Abraham to King David, the following ancestors are listed: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers; then Perez and Zerah (their mother was Tamar), Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, and King David.
Romans 9:9-13
For God's promise was made in these words: "At the right time I will come back, and Sarah will have a son."
And this is not all. For Rebecca's two sons had the same father, our ancestor Isaac.
But in order that the choice of one son might be completely the result of God's own purpose, God said to her, "The older will serve the younger." He said this before they were born, before they had done anything either good or bad; so God's choice was based on his call, and not on anything they had done.
As the scripture says, "I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau."
and Jacob
Genesis 29:31-35
When the LORD saw that Leah was loved less than Rachel, he made it possible for her to have children, but Rachel remained childless.
Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, "The LORD has seen my trouble, and now my husband will love me"; so she named him Reuben.
She became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, "The LORD has given me this son also, because he heard that I was not loved"; so she named him Simeon.
Once again she became pregnant and gave birth to another son. She said, "Now my husband will be bound more tightly to me, because I have borne him three sons"; so she named him Levi.
Then she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, "This time I will praise the LORD"; so she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.
Genesis 30:1-24
But Rachel had not borne Jacob any children, and so she became jealous of her sister and said to Jacob, "Give me children, or I will die."
Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, "I can't take the place of God. He is the one who keeps you from having children."
She said, "Here is my slave Bilhah; sleep with her, so that she can have a child for me. In this way I can become a mother through her."
So she gave Bilhah to her husband, and he had intercourse with her.
Bilhah became pregnant and bore Jacob a son.
Rachel said, "God has judged in my favor. He has heard my prayer and has given me a son"; so she named him Dan.
Bilhah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a second son.
Rachel said, "I have fought a hard fight with my sister, but I have won"; so she named him Naphtali.
When Leah realized that she had stopped having children, she gave her slave Zilpah to Jacob as his wife.
Then Zilpah bore Jacob a son.
Leah said, "I have been lucky"; so she named him Gad.
Zilpah bore Jacob another son,
and Leah said, "How happy I am! Now women will call me happy"; so she named him Asher.
During the wheat harvest Reuben went into the fields and found mandrakes, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Leah answered, "Isn't it enough that you have taken away my husband? Now you are even trying to take away my son's mandrakes." Rachel said, "If you will give me your son's mandrakes, you can sleep with Jacob tonight."
When Jacob came in from the fields in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, "You are going to sleep with me tonight, because I have paid for you with my son's mandrakes." So he had intercourse with her that night.
God answered Leah's prayer, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son.
Leah said, "God has given me my reward, because I gave my slave to my husband"; so she named her son Issachar.
Leah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a sixth son.
She said, "God has given me a fine gift. Now my husband will accept me, because I have borne him six sons"; so she named him Zebulun.
Later she bore a daughter, whom she named Dinah.
Then God remembered Rachel; he answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children.
She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, "God has taken away my disgrace by giving me a son.
May the LORD give me another son"; so she named him Joseph.
Genesis 35:16
Jacob and his family left Bethel, and when they were still some distance from Ephrath, the time came for Rachel to have her baby, and she was having difficult labor.
Genesis 35:23-26
The sons of Leah were Reuben (Jacob's oldest son), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.
The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin.
The sons of Rachel's slave Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali.
The sons of Leah's slave Zilpah were Gad and Asher. These sons were born in Mesopotamia.
Exodus 1:1-4
The sons of Jacob who went to Egypt with him, each with his family, were
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
1 Chronicles 2:1
Jacob had twelve sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,
1 Chronicles 2:2
Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
Acts 2:29
"My friends, I must speak to you plainly about our famous ancestor King David. He died and was buried, and his grave is here with us to this very day.
Hebrews 7:4
You see, then, how great he was. Abraham, our famous ancestor, gave him one tenth of all he got in the battle.