Bible Cross References
John 1:18
No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is the same as God and is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
John 6:46
This does not mean that anyone has seen the Father; he who is from God is the only one who has seen the Father.
John 8:55
You have never known him, but I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know him, and I obey his word.
John 17:25
Righteous Father! The world does not know you, but I know you, and these know that you sent me.
Matthew 11:27
"My Father has given me all things. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
Luke 10:21
At that time Jesus was filled with joy by the Holy Spirit and said, "Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you have shown to the unlearned what you have hidden from the wise and learned. Yes, Father, this was how you were pleased to have it happen.
Revelation 5:2-9
And I saw a mighty angel, who announced in a loud voice, "Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?"
But there was no one in heaven or on earth or in the world below who could open the scroll and look inside it.
I cried bitterly because no one could be found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside it.
Then one of the elders said to me, "Don't cry. Look! The Lion from Judah's tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory, and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll."
Then I saw a Lamb standing in the center of the throne, surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb appeared to have been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God that have been sent through the whole earth.
The Lamb went and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne.
As he did so, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each had a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God's people.
They sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to break open its seals. For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
and I
John 10:11
"I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep.
John 10:17
"The Father loves me because I am willing to give up my life, in order that I may receive it back again.
John 15:13
The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them.
Isaiah 53:4-6
"But he endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that his suffering was punishment sent by God.
But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.
All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the LORD made the punishment fall on him, the punishment all of us deserved.
Isaiah 53:8-6
Isaiah 53:10-6
Daniel 9:26
And at the end of that time God's chosen leader will be killed unjustly. The city and the Temple will be destroyed by the invading army of a powerful ruler. The end will come like a flood, bringing the war and destruction which God has prepared.
Zechariah 13:7
The LORD Almighty says, "Wake up, sword, and attack the shepherd who works for me! Kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. I will attack my people
Matthew 20:28
like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people."
Galatians 1:4
In order to set us free from this present evil age, Christ gave himself for our sins, in obedience to the will of our God and Father.
Galatians 3:13
But by becoming a curse for us Christ has redeemed us from the curse that the Law brings; for the scripture says, "Anyone who is hanged on a tree is under God's curse."
Ephesians 5:2
Your life must be controlled by love, just as Christ loved us and gave his life for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice that pleases God.
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus,
1 Timothy 2:6
who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved,
Titus 2:14
He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good.
1 Peter 2:24
Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have been healed.
1 Peter 3:18
For Christ died for sins once and for all, a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually,
1 John 2:2
And Christ himself is the means by which our sins are forgiven, and not our sins only, but also the sins of everyone.
Revelation 5:9
They sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to break open its seals. For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
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