Bible Cross References
Daniel 2:21
He controls the times and the seasons; he makes and unmakes kings; it is he who gives wisdom and understanding.
Daniel 2:23
I praise you and honor you, God of my ancestors. You have given me wisdom and strength; you have answered my prayer and shown us what to tell the king."
1 Kings 3:12
I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had before or will ever have again.
1 Kings 3:28
When the people of Israel heard of Solomon's decision, they were all filled with deep respect for him, because they knew then that God had given him the wisdom to settle disputes fairly.
1 Kings 4:29-31
God gave Solomon unusual wisdom and insight, and knowledge too great to be measured.
Solomon was wiser than the wise men of the East or the wise men of Egypt.
He was the wisest of all men: wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol, and his fame spread throughout all the neighboring countries.
2 Chronicles 1:10
so give me the wisdom and knowledge I need to rule over them. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?"
2 Chronicles 1:12
I will give you wisdom and knowledge. And in addition, I will give you more wealth, treasure, and fame than any king has ever had before or will ever have again."
Job 32:8
But it is the spirit of Almighty God that comes to us and gives us wisdom.
Psalm 119:98-100
Your commandment is with me all the time and makes me wiser than my enemies.
I understand more than all my teachers, because I meditate on your instructions.
I have greater wisdom than those who are old, because I obey your commands.
Proverbs 2:6
It is the LORD who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding.
Ecclesiastes 2:26
God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to those who please him, but he makes sinners work, earning and saving, so that what they get can be given to those who please him. It is all useless. It is like chasing the wind.
Isaiah 28:26
They know how to do their work, because God has taught them.
Luke 21:15
because I will give you such words and wisdom that none of your enemies will be able to refute or contradict what you say.
Acts 6:10
But the Spirit gave Stephen such wisdom that when he spoke, they could not refute him.
Acts 7:10
and brought him safely through all his troubles. When Joseph appeared before the king of Egypt, God gave him a pleasing manner and wisdom, and the king made Joseph governor over the country and the royal household.
Colossians 1:9
For this reason we have always prayed for you, ever since we heard about you. We ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will, with all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.
James 1:5
But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning.
Acts 7:22
He was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians and became a great man in words and deeds.
Daniel had understanding
Daniel 4:9
Belteshazzar, chief of the fortunetellers, I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that you understand all mysteries. This is my dream. Tell me what it means.
Daniel 4:10
"While I was asleep, I had a vision of a huge tree in the middle of the earth.
Daniel 5:11
There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him. When your father was king, this man showed good sense, knowledge, and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods. And King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, made him chief of the fortunetellers, magicians, wizards, and astrologers.
Daniel 5:12
He has unusual ability and is wise and skillful in interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining mysteries; so send for this man Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, and he will tell you what all this means."
Daniel 5:14
I have heard that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that you are skillful and have knowledge and wisdom.
Daniel 10:1
In the third year that Cyrus was emperor of Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel, who is also called Belteshazzar. The message was true but extremely hard to understand. It was explained to him in a vision.
Genesis 41:8-15
In the morning he was worried, so he sent for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. He told them his dreams, but no one could explain them to him.
Then the wine steward said to the king, "I must confess today that I have done wrong.
You were angry with the chief baker and me, and you put us in prison in the house of the captain of the guard.
One night each of us had a dream, and the dreams had different meanings.
A young Hebrew was there with us, a slave of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams, and he interpreted them for us.
Things turned out just as he said: you restored me to my position, but you executed the baker."
The king sent for Joseph, and he was immediately brought from the prison. After he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came into the king's presence.
The king said to him, "I have had a dream, and no one can explain it. I have been told that you can interpret dreams."
Numbers 12:6
and the LORD said, "Now hear what I have to say! When there are prophets among you, I reveal myself to them in visions and speak to them in dreams.
2 Chronicles 26:5
As long as Zechariah, his religious adviser, was living, he served the LORD faithfully, and God blessed him.
Ezekiel 28:3
You think you are wiser than Danel, that no secret can be kept from you.
1 Corinthians 12:7-11
The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.
The Spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge.
One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal.
The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said.
But it is one and the same Spirit who does all this; as he wishes, he gives a different gift to each person.
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