Bible Cross References
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 65:25
Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil."
Ezekiel 34:25
I will make a covenant with them that guarantees their security. I will get rid of all the dangerous animals in the land, so that my sheep can live safely in the fields and sleep in the forests.
Hosea 2:18
At that time I will make a covenant with all the wild animals and birds, so that they will not harm my people. I will also remove all weapons of war from the land, all swords and bows, and will let my people live in peace and safety.
Acts 9:13-20
Ananias answered, "Lord, many people have told me about this man and about all the terrible things he has done to your people in Jerusalem.
And he has come to Damascus with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who worship you."
The Lord said to him, "Go, because I have chosen him to serve me, to make my name known to Gentiles and kings and to the people of Israel.
And I myself will show him all that he must suffer for my sake."
So Ananias went, entered the house where Saul was, and placed his hands on him. "Brother Saul," he said, "the Lord has sent me---Jesus himself, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here. He sent me so that you might see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
At once something like fish scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he was able to see again. He stood up and was baptized;
and after he had eaten, his strength came back. Saul stayed for a few days with the believers in Damascus.
He went straight to the synagogues and began to preach that Jesus was the Son of God.
Romans 14:17
For God's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of the righteousness, peace, and joy which the Holy Spirit gives.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God's Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts
or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves---none of these will possess God's Kingdom.
Some of you were like that. But you have been purified from sin; you have been dedicated to God; you have been put right with God by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
We are ruled by the love of Christ, now that we recognize that one man died for everyone, which means that they all share in his death.
He died for all, so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but only for him who died and was raised to life for their sake.
No longer, then, do we judge anyone by human standards. Even if at one time we judged Christ according to human standards, we no longer do so.
Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come.
All this is done by God, who through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends and gave us the task of making others his friends also.
Our message is that God was making all human beings his friends through Christ. God did not keep an account of their sins, and he has given us the message which tells how he makes them his friends.
Here we are, then, speaking for Christ, as though God himself were making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ's behalf: let God change you from enemies into his friends!
Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God.
Galatians 3:26
It is through faith that all of you are God's children in union with Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:27
You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, so to speak, with the life of Christ himself.
Ephesians 4:22-32
So get rid of your old self, which made you live as you used to---the old self that was being destroyed by its deceitful desires.
Your hearts and minds must be made completely new,
and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.
No more lying, then! Each of you must tell the truth to the other believer, because we are all members together in the body of Christ.
If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day.
Don't give the Devil a chance.
If you used to rob, you must stop robbing and start working, in order to earn an honest living for yourself and to be able to help the poor.
Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you.
And do not make God's Holy Spirit sad; for the Spirit is God's mark of ownership on you, a guarantee that the Day will come when God will set you free.
Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort.
Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.
Colossians 3:3-8
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Your real life is Christ and when he appears, then you too will appear with him and share his glory!
You must put to death, then, the earthly desires at work in you, such as sexual immorality, indecency, lust, evil passions, and greed (for greed is a form of idolatry).
Because of such things God's anger will come upon those who do not obey him.
At one time you yourselves used to live according to such desires, when your life was dominated by them.
But now you must get rid of all these things: anger, passion, and hateful feelings. No insults or obscene talk must ever come from your lips.
Titus 3:3-5
For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, and wrong. We were slaves to passions and pleasures of all kinds. We spent our lives in malice and envy; others hated us and we hated them.
But when the kindness and love of God our Savior was revealed,
he saved us. It was not because of any good deeds that we ourselves had done, but because of his own mercy that he saved us, through the Holy Spirit, who gives us new birth and new life by washing us.
Philemon 1:9-16
But because I love you, I make a request instead. I do this even though I am Paul, the ambassador of Christ Jesus, and at present also a prisoner for his sake.
So I make a request to you on behalf of Onesimus, who is my own son in Christ; for while in prison I have become his spiritual father.
At one time he was of no use to you, but now he is useful both to you and to me.
I am sending him back to you now, and with him goes my heart.
I would like to keep him here with me, while I am in prison for the gospel's sake, so that he could help me in your place.
However, I do not want to force you to help me; rather, I would like for you to do it of your own free will. So I will not do anything unless you agree.
It may be that Onesimus was away from you for a short time so that you might have him back for all time.
And now he is not just a slave, but much more than a slave: he is a dear brother in Christ. How much he means to me! And how much more he will mean to you, both as a slave and as a brother in the Lord!
Revelation 5:9
They sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to break open its seals. For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
Revelation 5:10
You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God, and they shall rule on earth."
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