Bible Cross References
Psalm 50:18
You become the friend of every thief you see, and you associate with adulterers.
Psalm 73:27
Those who abandon you will certainly perish; you will destroy those who are unfaithful to you.
Isaiah 57:3
Come here to be judged, you sinners! You are no better than sorcerers, adulterers, and prostitutes.
Jeremiah 9:2
I wish I had a place to stay in the desert where I could get away from my people. They are all unfaithful, a mob of traitors.
Hosea 3:1
The LORD said to me, "Go again and show your love for a woman who is committing adultery with a lover. You must love her just as I still love the people of Israel, even though they turn to other gods and like to take offerings of raisins to idols."
Matthew 12:39
"How evil and godless are the people of this day!" Jesus exclaimed. "You ask me for a miracle? No! The only miracle you will be given is the miracle of the prophet Jonah.
Matthew 16:4
How evil and godless are the people of this day! You ask me for a miracle? No! The only miracle you will be given is the miracle of Jonah." So he left them and went away.
the friendship
John 7:7
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I keep telling it that its ways are bad.
John 15:19
If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you.
John 15:23
Whoever hates me hates my Father also.
John 17:14
I gave them your message, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.
1 John 2:15
Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father.
1 John 2:16
Everything that belongs to the world---what the sinful self desires, what people see and want, and everything in this world that people are so proud of---none of this comes from the Father; it all comes from the world.
Genesis 3:15
I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring's heel."
Romans 8:7
And so people become enemies of God when they are controlled by their human nature; for they do not obey God's law, and in fact they cannot obey it.
Galatians 1:10
Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval? No indeed! What I want is God's approval! Am I trying to be popular with people? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant of Christ.
is the
Psalm 21:8
The king will capture all his enemies; he will capture everyone who hates him.
Luke 19:27
Now, as for those enemies of mine who did not want me to be their king, bring them here and kill them in my presence!' "
John 15:23
Whoever hates me hates my Father also.
John 15:24
They would not have been guilty of sin if I had not done among them the things that no one else ever did; as it is, they have seen what I did, and they hate both me and my Father.
Romans 5:10
We were God's enemies, but he made us his friends through the death of his Son. Now that we are God's friends, how much more will we be saved by Christ's life!
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