Bible Cross References
That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
Romans 10:1
My friends, how I wish with all my heart that my own people might be saved! How I pray to God for them!
1 Samuel 15:35
As long as Samuel lived, he never again saw the king; but he grieved over him. The LORD was sorry that he had made Saul king of Israel.
Psalm 119:136
My tears pour down like a river, because people do not obey your law.
Isaiah 66:10
Rejoice with Jerusalem; be glad for her, all you that love this city! Rejoice with her now, all you that have mourned for her!
Jeremiah 9:1
I wish my head were a well of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, so that I could cry day and night for my people who have been killed.
Jeremiah 13:17
If you will not listen, I will cry in secret because of your pride; I will cry bitterly, and my tears will flow because the LORD's people have been taken away as captives.
Lamentations 1:12
"Look at me!" she cries to everyone who passes by. "No one has ever had pain like mine, Pain that the LORD brought on me in the time of his anger.
Lamentations 3:48
My eyes flow with rivers of tears at the destruction of my people.
Lamentations 3:49
"My tears will pour out in a ceaseless stream
Lamentations 3:51
My heart is grieved when I see what has happened to the women of the city.
Ezekiel 9:4
"Go through the whole city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the forehead of everyone who is distressed and troubled because of all the disgusting things being done in the city."
Luke 19:41-44
He came closer to the city, and when he saw it, he wept over it,
saying, "If you only knew today what is needed for peace! But now you cannot see it!
The time will come when your enemies will surround you with barricades, blockade you, and close in on you from every side.
They will completely destroy you and the people within your walls; not a single stone will they leave in its place, because you did not recognize the time when God came to save you!"
Philippians 3:18
I have told you this many times before, and now I repeat it with tears: there are many whose lives make them enemies of Christ's death on the cross.
Revelation 11:3
I will send my two witnesses dressed in sackcloth, and they will proclaim God's message during those 1, 260 days."
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