Bible Cross References
the second
John 18:17
The girl at the gate said to Peter, "Aren't you also one of the disciples of that man?" "No, I am not," answered Peter.
John 18:25
Peter was still standing there keeping himself warm. So the others said to him, "Aren't you also one of the disciples of that man?" But Peter denied it. "No, I am not," he said.
Matthew 26:72
Again Peter denied it and answered, "I swear that I don't know that man!"
my sheep
John 10:11-16
"I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep.
When the hired man, who is not a shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees a wolf coming, he leaves the sheep and runs away; so the wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.
The hired man runs away because he is only a hired man and does not care about the sheep.
I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die for them.
There are other sheep which belong to me that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them, too; they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock with one shepherd.
John 10:26-16
John 10:27-16
Psalm 95:7
He is our God; we are the people he cares for, the flock for which he provides. Listen today to what he says:
Psalm 100:3
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us, and we belong to him; we are his people, we are his flock.
Zechariah 13:7
The LORD Almighty says, "Wake up, sword, and attack the shepherd who works for me! Kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. I will attack my people
Matthew 25:32
and the people of all the nations will be gathered before him. Then he will divide them into two groups, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Luke 15:3-7
So Jesus told them this parable:
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them---what do you do? You leave the other ninety-nine sheep in the pasture and go looking for the one that got lost until you find it.
When you find it, you are so happy that you put it on your shoulders
and carry it back home. Then you call your friends and neighbors together and say to them, 'I am so happy I found my lost sheep. Let us celebrate!'
In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine respectable people who do not need to repent.
Luke 19:10
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
Acts 20:28
So keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he made his own through the blood of his Son.
Hebrews 13:20
God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood, by which the eternal covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
1 Peter 2:25
You were like sheep that had lost their way, but now you have been brought back to follow the Shepherd and Keeper of your souls.