Bible Cross References
Matthew 2:13
After they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, "Herod will be looking for the child in order to kill him. So get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave."
Matthew 4:12
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he went away to Galilee.
Matthew 12:14
Then the Pharisees left and made plans to kill Jesus.
Matthew 12:15
When Jesus heard about the plot against him, he went away from that place; and large crowds followed him. He healed all the sick
Luke 4:29-31
They rose up, dragged Jesus out of town, and took him to the top of the hill on which their town was built. They meant to throw him over the cliff,
but he walked through the middle of the crowd and went his way.
Then Jesus went to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, where he taught the people on the Sabbath.
John 7:1
After this, Jesus traveled in Galilee; he did not want to travel in Judea, because the Jewish authorities there were wanting to kill him.
John 10:39-42
Once more they tried to seize Jesus, but he slipped out of their hands.
Jesus then went back again across the Jordan River to the place where John had been baptizing, and he stayed there.
Many people came to him. "John performed no miracles," they said, "but everything he said about this man was true."
And many people there believed in him.
John 11:53
From that day on the Jewish authorities made plans to kill Jesus.
John 11:54
So Jesus did not travel openly in Judea, but left and went to a place near the desert, to a town named Ephraim, where he stayed with the disciples.
Acts 8:1
And Saul approved of his murder. That very day the church in Jerusalem began to suffer cruel persecution. All the believers, except the apostles, were scattered throughout the provinces of Judea and Samaria.
Acts 9:24
but he was told of their plan. Day and night they watched the city gates in order to kill him.
Acts 9:25
But one night Saul's followers took him and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.
Acts 13:50
But the Jews stirred up the leading men of the city and the Gentile women of high social standing who worshiped God. They started a persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of their region.
Acts 13:51
The apostles shook the dust off their feet in protest against them and went on to Iconium.
Acts 14:6
When the apostles learned about it, they fled to the cities of Lystra and Derbe in Lycaonia and to the surrounding territory.
Acts 14:7
There they preached the Good News.
Acts 14:19
Some Jews came from Antioch in Pisidia and from Iconium; they won the crowds over to their side, stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town, thinking that he was dead.
Acts 14:20
But when the believers gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town. The next day he and Barnabas went to Derbe.
Acts 17:10
As soon as night came, the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea. When they arrived, they went to the synagogue.
Acts 17:14
At once the believers sent Paul away to the coast; but both Silas and Timothy stayed in Berea.
Acts 20:1
After the uproar died down, Paul called together the believers and with words of encouragement said good-bye to them. Then he left and went on to Macedonia.
Matthew 16:28
I assure you that there are some here who will not die until they have seen the Son of Man come as King."
Matthew 24:27
For the Son of Man will come like the lightning which flashes across the whole sky from the east to the west.
Matthew 24:30
Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky; and all the peoples of earth will weep as they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:48
But if he is a bad servant, he will tell himself that his master will not come back for a long time,
Matthew 25:13
And Jesus concluded, "Watch out, then, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Matthew 26:64
Jesus answered him, "So you say. But I tell all of you: from this time on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right side of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of heaven!"
Mark 13:26
Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
Luke 18:8
I tell you, he will judge in their favor and do it quickly. But will the Son of Man find faith on earth when he comes?"
Luke 21:27
Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory.