Bible Cross References
even thou
Psalm 89:7
You are feared in the council of the holy ones; they all stand in awe of you.
Jeremiah 10:7-10
Who would not honor you, the king of all nations? You deserve to be honored. There is no one like you among all the wise men of the nations or among any of their kings.
All of them are stupid and foolish. What can they learn from wooden idols?
Their idols are covered with silver from Spain and with gold from Uphaz, all the work of artists; they are dressed in violet and purple cloth woven by skilled weavers.
But you, LORD, are the true God, you are the living God and the eternal king. When you are angry, the world trembles; the nations cannot endure your anger.
Matthew 10:28
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
Revelation 14:7
He said in a loud voice, "Honor God and praise his greatness! For the time has come for him to judge all people. Worship him who made heaven, earth, sea, and the springs of water!"
Revelation 15:4
Who will not stand in awe of you, Lord? Who will refuse to declare your greatness? You alone are holy. All the nations will come and worship you, because your just actions are seen by all."
Psalm 90:11
Who has felt the full power of your anger? Who knows what fear your fury can bring?
Nahum 1:6
When he is angry, who can survive? Who can survive his terrible fury? He pours out his flaming anger; rocks crumble to dust before him.
1 Corinthians 10:22
Or do we want to make the Lord jealous? Do we think that we are stronger than he?
Revelation 6:16
They called out to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb!
Revelation 6:17
The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand up against it?"
Psalm 2:12
and bow down to him; or else his anger will be quickly aroused, and you will suddenly die. Happy are all who go to him for protection.
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