Bible Cross References
Psalm 50:21
You have done all this, and I have said nothing, so you thought that I am like you. But now I reprimand you and make the matter plain to you.
1 Chronicles 29:17
I know that you test everyone's heart and are pleased with people of integrity. In honesty and sincerity I have willingly given all this to you, and I have seen how your people who are gathered here have been happy to bring offerings to you.
Habakkuk 1:13
But how can you stand these treacherous, evil men? Your eyes are too holy to look at evil, and you cannot stand the sight of people doing wrong. So why are you silent while they destroy people who are more righteous than they are?
Malachi 2:17
You have tired the LORD out with your talk. But you ask, "How have we tired him?" By saying, "The LORD Almighty thinks all evildoers are good; in fact he likes them." Or by asking, "Where is the God who is supposed to be just?"
Psalm 94:20
You have nothing to do with corrupt judges, who make injustice legal,
Psalm 101:7
No liar will live in my palace; no hypocrite will remain in my presence.
Psalm 140:13
The righteous will praise you indeed; they will live in your presence.
John 14:23
Jesus answered him, "Those who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and my Father and I will come to them and live with them.
Hebrews 12:14
Try to be at peace with everyone, and try to live a holy life, because no one will see the Lord without it.
2 Peter 3:13
But we wait for what God has promised: new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness will be at home.
Revelation 21:23
The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God shines on it, and the Lamb is its lamp.
Revelation 21:27
But nothing that is impure will enter the city, nor anyone who does shameful things or tells lies. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of the living will enter the city.
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