Bible Cross References
Psalm 99:6
Moses and Aaron were his priests, and Samuel was one who prayed to him; they called to the LORD, and he answered them.
Psalm 99:7
He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they obeyed the laws and commands that he gave them.
Psalm 106:44
Yet the LORD heard them when they cried out, and he took notice of their distress.
Judges 4:3
Jabin had nine hundred iron chariots, and he ruled the people of Israel with cruelty and violence for twenty years. Then the people of Israel cried out to the LORD for help.
Judges 6:6
and Israel was helpless against them.
Judges 10:10-16
Then the Israelites cried out to the LORD and said, "We have sinned against you, for we left you, our God, and worshiped the Baals."
The LORD gave them this answer: "The Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines,
the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Maonites oppressed you in the past, and you cried out to me. Did I not save you from them?
But you still left me and worshiped other gods, so I am not going to rescue you again.
Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them rescue you when you get in trouble."
But the people of Israel said to the LORD, "We have sinned. Do whatever you like, but please, save us today."
So they got rid of their foreign gods and worshiped the LORD; and he became troubled over Israel's distress.
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Psalm 25:2
in you, my God, I trust. Save me from the shame of defeat; don't let my enemies gloat over me!
Psalm 25:3
Defeat does not come to those who trust in you, but to those who are quick to rebel against you.
Psalm 31:1
I come to you, LORD, for protection; never let me be defeated. You are a righteous God; save me, I pray!
Psalm 69:6
Don't let me bring shame on those who trust in you, Sovereign LORD Almighty! Don't let me bring disgrace to those who worship you, O God of Israel!
Psalm 69:7
It is for your sake that I have been insulted and that I am covered with shame.
Psalm 71:1
LORD, I have come to you for protection; never let me be defeated!
Isaiah 45:17
But Israel is saved by the LORD, and her victory lasts forever; her people will never be disgraced.' "
Isaiah 49:23
Kings will be like fathers to you; queens will be like mothers. They will bow low before you and honor you; they will humbly show their respect for you. Then you will know that I am the LORD; no one who waits for my help will be disappointed."
Romans 9:33
that the scripture speaks of: "Look, I place in Zion a stone that will make people stumble, a rock that will make them fall. But whoever believes in him will not be disappointed."
Romans 10:11
The scripture says, "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed."
1 Peter 2:6
For the scripture says, "I chose a valuable stone, which I am placing as the cornerstone in Zion; and whoever believes in him will never be disappointed."
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