Bible Cross References
Then was
Psalm 14:7
How I pray that victory will come to Israel from Zion. How happy the people of Israel will be when the LORD makes them prosperous again!
Psalm 53:6
How I pray that victory will come to Israel from Zion. How happy the people of Israel will be when God makes them prosperous again!
Psalm 106:47
Save us, O LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, so that we may be thankful and praise your holy name.
Psalm 106:48
Praise the LORD, the God of Israel; praise him now and forever! Let everyone say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD!
Ezra 3:11
They sang the LORD's praises, repeating the refrain: "The LORD is good, and his love for Israel is eternal." Everyone shouted with all their might, praising the LORD, because the work on the foundation of the Temple had been started.
Job 8:21
He will let you laugh and shout again,
Isaiah 35:10
They will reach Jerusalem with gladness, singing and shouting for joy. They will be happy forever, forever free from sorrow and grief.
Isaiah 49:9-13
I will say to the prisoners, 'Go free!' and to those who are in darkness, 'Come out to the light!' They will be like sheep that graze on the hills;
they will never be hungry or thirsty. Sun and desert heat will not hurt them, for they will be led by one who loves them. He will lead them to springs of water.
"I will make a highway across the mountains and prepare a road for my people to travel.
My people will come from far away, from the north and the west, and from Aswan in the south."
Sing, heavens! Shout for joy, earth! Let the mountains burst into song! The LORD will comfort his people; he will have pity on his suffering people.
Jeremiah 31:12
They will come and sing for joy on Mount Zion and be delighted with my gifts--- gifts of grain and wine and olive oil, gifts of sheep and cattle. They will be like a well-watered garden; they will have everything they need.
Jeremiah 31:13
Then the young women will dance and be happy, and men, young and old, will rejoice. I will comfort them and turn their mourning into joy, their sorrow into gladness.
Jeremiah 33:11
the shouts of gladness and joy and the happy sounds of wedding feasts. You will hear people sing as they bring thank offerings to my Temple; they will say, 'Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, because he is good and his love is eternal.' I will make this land as prosperous as it was before. I, the LORD, have spoken."
Revelation 11:15-17
Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The power to rule over the world belongs now to our Lord and his Messiah, and he will rule forever and ever!"
Then the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones in front of God threw themselves face downward and worshiped God,
saying: "Lord God Almighty, the one who is and who was! We thank you that you have taken your great power and have begun to rule!
then said
Numbers 23:23
There is no magic charm, no witchcraft, That can be used against the nation of Israel. Now people will say about Israel, 'Look what God has done!'
Joshua 2:9-11
and said to them, "I know that the LORD has given you this land. Everyone in the country is terrified of you.
We have heard how the LORD dried up the Red Sea in front of you when you were leaving Egypt. We have also heard how you killed Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan.
We were afraid as soon as we heard about it; we have all lost our courage because of you. The LORD your God is God in heaven above and here on earth.
Joshua 9:9
Then they told him this story: "We have come from a very distant land, sir, because we have heard of the LORD your God. We have heard about everything that he did in Egypt
Joshua 9:10
and what he did to the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan: King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan, who lived in Ashtaroth.
Nehemiah 6:16
When our enemies in the surrounding nations heard this, they realized that they had lost face, since everyone knew that the work had been done with God's help.
Zechariah 8:22
Many peoples and powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the LORD Almighty and to pray for his blessing.
Zechariah 8:23
In those days ten foreigners will come to one Jew and say, 'We want to share in your destiny, because we have heard that God is with you.' "
Romans 11:15
For when they were rejected, all other people were changed from God's enemies into his friends. What will it be, then, when they are accepted? It will be life for the dead!
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