Bible Cross References
he stretcheth
Leviticus 26:23
"If after all of this punishment you still do not listen to me, but continue to defy me,
Psalm 73:9
They speak evil of God in heaven and give arrogant orders to everyone on earth,
Psalm 73:11
They say, "God will not know; the Most High will not find out."
Isaiah 27:4
I am no longer angry with the vineyard. If there were thorns and briers to fight against, I would burn them up completely.
Daniel 5:23
You acted against the Lord of heaven and brought in the cups and bowls taken from his Temple. You, your noblemen, your wives, and your concubines drank wine out of them and praised gods made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone---gods that cannot see or hear and that do not know anything. But you did not honor the God who determines whether you live or die and who controls everything you do.
Malachi 3:13
"You have said terrible things about me," says the LORD. "But you ask, 'What have we said about you?'
Acts 9:5
"Who are you, Lord?" he asked. "I am Jesus, whom you persecute," the voice said.
Acts 12:1
About this time King Herod began to persecute some members of the church.
Acts 12:23
At once the angel of the Lord struck Herod down, because he did not give honor to God. He was eaten by worms and died.
Job 9:4
God is so wise and powerful; no one can stand up against him.
Job 40:9-11
Are you as strong as I am? Can your voice thunder as loud as mine?
If so, stand up in your honor and pride; clothe yourself with majesty and glory.
Look at those who are proud; pour out your anger and humble them.
Exodus 5:2
"Who is the LORD?" the king demanded. "Why should I listen to him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD; and I will not let Israel go."
Exodus 5:3
Moses and Aaron replied, "The God of the Hebrews has revealed himself to us. Allow us to travel three days into the desert to offer sacrifices to the LORD our God. If we don't do so, he will kill us with disease or by war."
Exodus 9:17
Yet you are still arrogant and refuse to let my people go.
1 Samuel 4:7-9
they were afraid, and said, "A god has come into their camp! We're lost! Nothing like this has ever happened to us before!
Who can save us from those powerful gods? They are the gods who slaughtered the Egyptians in the desert!
Be brave, Philistines! Fight like men, or we will become slaves to the Hebrews, just as they were our slaves. So fight like men!"
1 Samuel 6:6
Why should you be stubborn, as the king of Egypt and the Egyptians were? Don't forget how God made fools of them until they let the Israelites leave Egypt.
Psalm 52:7
"Look, here is someone who did not depend on God for safety, but trusted instead in great wealth and looked for security in being wicked."
Isaiah 8:9
Gather together in fear, you nations! Listen, you distant parts of the earth. Get ready to fight, but be afraid! Yes, get ready, but be afraid!
Isaiah 8:10
Make your plans! But they will never succeed. Talk all you want to! But it is all useless, because God is with us.
Isaiah 10:12-14
But the Lord says, "When I finish what I am doing on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I will punish the emperor of Assyria for all his boasting and all his pride."
The emperor of Assyria boasts, "I have done it all myself. I am strong and wise and clever. I wiped out the boundaries between nations and took the supplies they had stored. Like a bull I have trampled the people who live there.
The nations of the world were like a bird's nest, and I gathered their wealth as easily as gathering eggs. Not a wing fluttered to scare me off; no beak opened to scream at me!"
Isaiah 41:4-7
Who was it that made this happen? Who has determined the course of history? I, the LORD, was there at the beginning, and I, the LORD, will be there at the end.
"The people of distant lands have seen what I have done; they are frightened and tremble with fear. So they all assemble and come.
The skilled workers help and encourage each other.
The carpenter says to the goldsmith, 'Well done!' The one who beats the idol smooth encourages the one who nails it together. They say, 'The soldering is good'--- and they fasten the idol in place with nails.
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