Bible Cross References
1 Kings 21:10
Get a couple of scoundrels to accuse him to his face of cursing God and the king. Then take him out of the city and stone him to death."
1 Kings 21:13-15
The two scoundrels publicly accused him of cursing God and the king, and so he was taken outside the city and stoned to death.
The message was sent to Jezebel: "Naboth has been put to death."
As soon as Jezebel received the message, she said to Ahab, "Naboth is dead. Now go and take possession of the vineyard which he refused to sell to you."
2 Chronicles 24:21
King Joash joined in a conspiracy against Zechariah, and on the king's orders the people stoned Zechariah in the Temple courtyard.
Matthew 21:35
The tenants grabbed his slaves, beat one, killed another, and stoned another.
Matthew 23:37
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times I wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me!
Luke 13:34
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets, you stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times I wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me!
John 10:31-33
Then the people again picked up stones to throw at him.
Jesus said to them, "I have done many good deeds in your presence which the Father gave me to do; for which one of these do you want to stone me?"
They answered, "We do not want to stone you because of any good deeds, but because of your blasphemy! You are only a man, but you are trying to make yourself God!"
Acts 7:58
threw him out of the city, and stoned him. The witnesses left their cloaks in the care of a young man named Saul.
Acts 7:59
They kept on stoning Stephen as he called out to the Lord, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!"
Acts 14:19
Some Jews came from Antioch in Pisidia and from Iconium; they won the crowds over to their side, stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town, thinking that he was dead.
2 Corinthians 11:25
three times I was whipped by the Romans; and once I was stoned. I have been in three shipwrecks, and once I spent twenty-four hours in the water.
were slain
1 Samuel 22:17-19
Then he said to the guards standing near him, "Kill the LORD's priests! They conspired with David and did not tell me that he had run away, even though they knew it all along." But the guards refused to lift a hand to kill the LORD's priests.
So Saul said to Doeg, "You kill them!"---and Doeg killed them all. On that day he killed eighty-five priests who were qualified to carry the ephod.
Saul also had all the other inhabitants of Nob, the city of priests, put to death: men and women, children and babies, cattle, donkeys, and sheep---they were all killed.
1 Kings 18:4
and when Jezebel was killing the LORD's prophets, Obadiah took a hundred of them, hid them in caves in two groups of fifty, and provided them with food and water.)
1 Kings 18:13
Haven't you heard that when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the LORD I hid a hundred of them in caves, in two groups of fifty, and supplied them with food and water?
1 Kings 19:1
King Ahab told his wife Jezebel everything that Elijah had done and how he had put all the prophets of Baal to death.
1 Kings 19:10
He answered, " LORD God Almighty, I have always served you---you alone. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed all your prophets. I am the only one left---and they are trying to kill me!"
1 Kings 19:14
He answered, " LORD God Almighty, I have always served you---you alone. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed all your prophets. I am the only one left---and they are trying to kill me."
Jeremiah 2:30
I punished you, but it did no good; you would not let me correct you. Like a raging lion, you have murdered your prophets.
Jeremiah 26:23
They brought him back to King Jehoiakim, who had him killed and his body thrown into the public burial ground.)
Lamentations 4:13
But it happened, because her prophets sinned and her priests were guilty of causing the death of innocent people.
Lamentations 4:14
Her leaders wandered through the streets as though blind, so stained with blood that no one would touch them.
Matthew 23:35-37
As a result, the punishment for the murder of all innocent people will fall on you, from the murder of innocent Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the Temple and the altar.
I tell you indeed: the punishment for all these murders will fall on the people of this day!
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times I wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me!
Luke 11:51-54
from the murder of Abel to the murder of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the Holy Place. Yes, I tell you, the people of this time will be punished for them all!
"How terrible for you teachers of the Law! You have kept the key that opens the door to the house of knowledge; you yourselves will not go in, and you stop those who are trying to go in!"
When Jesus left that place, the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees began to criticize him bitterly and ask him questions about many things,
trying to lay traps for him and catch him saying something wrong.
Acts 7:52
Was there any prophet that your ancestors did not persecute? They killed God's messengers, who long ago announced the coming of his righteous Servant. And now you have betrayed and murdered him.
Acts 12:2
He had James, the brother of John, put to death by the sword.
Acts 12:3
When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he went ahead and had Peter arrested. (This happened during the time of the Festival of Unleavened Bread.)
in sheepskins
2 Kings 1:8
"He was wearing a cloak made of animal skins, tied with a leather belt," they answered. "It's Elijah!" the king exclaimed.
Matthew 3:4
John's clothes were made of camel's hair; he wore a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.
Revelation 11:3
I will send my two witnesses dressed in sackcloth, and they will proclaim God's message during those 1, 260 days."
being destitute
Hebrews 12:1-3
As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us. So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us.
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne.
Think of what he went through; how he put up with so much hatred from sinners! So do not let yourselves become discouraged and give up.
Zechariah 13:9
And I will test the third that survives and will purify them as silver is purified by fire. I will test them as gold is tested. Then they will pray to me, and I will answer them. I will tell them that they are my people, and they will confess that I am their God."
Matthew 8:20
Jesus answered him, "Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and rest."
1 Corinthians 4:9-13
For it seems to me that God has given the very last place to us apostles, like people condemned to die in public as a spectacle for the whole world of angels and of human beings.
For Christ's sake we are fools; but you are wise in union with Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! We are despised, but you are honored!
To this very moment we go hungry and thirsty; we are clothed in rags; we are beaten; we wander from place to place;
we wear ourselves out with hard work. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure;
when we are insulted, we answer back with kind words. We are no more than this world's garbage; we are the scum of the earth to this very moment!
2 Corinthians 11:23-27
Are they Christ's servants? I sound like a madman---but I am a better servant than they are! I have worked much harder, I have been in prison more times, I have been whipped much more, and I have been near death more often.
Five times I was given the thirty-nine lashes by the Jews;
three times I was whipped by the Romans; and once I was stoned. I have been in three shipwrecks, and once I spent twenty-four hours in the water.
In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from my own people and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends.
There has been work and toil; often I have gone without sleep; I have been hungry and thirsty; I have often been without enough food, shelter, or clothing.
2 Corinthians 12:10
I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
James 5:10
My friends, remember the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Take them as examples of patient endurance under suffering.
James 5:11
We call them happy because they endured. You have heard of Job's patience, and you know how the Lord provided for him in the end. For the Lord is full of mercy and compassion.