Bible Cross References
Psalm 19:10
They are more desirable than the finest gold; they are sweeter than the purest honey.
Psalm 119:72
The law that you gave means more to me than all the money in the world.
Proverbs 8:10
Choose my instruction instead of silver; choose knowledge rather than the finest gold.
Proverbs 16:16
It is better---much better---to have wisdom and knowledge than gold and silver.
Isaiah 60:17
"I will bring you gold instead of bronze, Silver and bronze instead of iron and wood, And iron instead of stone. Your rulers will no longer oppress you; I will make them rule with justice and peace.
1 Timothy 4:6
If you give these instructions to the believers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, as you feed yourself spiritually on the words of faith and of the true teaching which you have followed.
2 Timothy 2:20
In a large house there are dishes and bowls of all kinds: some are made of silver and gold, others of wood and clay; some are for special occasions, others for ordinary use.
1 Peter 1:7
Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. Even gold, which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may endure. Then you will receive praise and glory and honor on the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Revelation 3:18
I advise you, then, to buy gold from me, pure gold, in order to be rich. Buy also white clothing to dress yourself and cover up your shameful nakedness. Buy also some ointment to put on your eyes, so that you may see.
Isaiah 54:11-13
The LORD says, "O Jerusalem, you suffering, helpless city, with no one to comfort you, I will rebuild your foundations with precious stones.
I will build your towers with rubies, your gates with stones that glow like fire, and the wall around you with jewels.
"I myself will teach your people and give them prosperity and peace.
Revelation 21:18
The wall was made of jasper, and the city itself was made of pure gold, as clear as glass.
Proverbs 30:6
If you claim that he said something that he never said, he will reprimand you and show that you are a liar."
Jeremiah 23:28
The prophet who has had a dream should say it is only a dream, but the prophet who has heard my message should proclaim that message faithfully. What good is straw compared with wheat?
Matthew 15:6-9
they do not need to honor their father. In this way you disregard God's command, in order to follow your own teaching.
You hypocrites! How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you!
'These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me.
It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach human rules as though they were my laws!' "
Acts 20:30
The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them.
Romans 16:17
I urge you, my friends: watch out for those who cause divisions and upset people's faith and go against the teaching which you have received. Keep away from them!
2 Corinthians 2:17
We are not like so many others, who handle God's message as if it were cheap merchandise; but because God has sent us, we speak with sincerity in his presence, as servants of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:2
We put aside all secret and shameful deeds; we do not act with deceit, nor do we falsify the word of God. In the full light of truth we live in God's sight and try to commend ourselves to everyone's good conscience.
Colossians 2:8
See to it, then, that no one enslaves you by means of the worthless deceit of human wisdom, which comes from the teachings handed down by human beings and from the ruling spirits of the universe, and not from Christ.
Colossians 2:18-23
Do not allow yourselves to be condemned by anyone who claims to be superior because of special visions and who insists on false humility and the worship of angels. For no reason at all, such people are all puffed up by their human way of thinking
and have stopped holding on to Christ, who is the head of the body. Under Christ's control the whole body is nourished and held together by its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God wants it to grow.
You have died with Christ and are set free from the ruling spirits of the universe. Why, then, do you live as though you belonged to this world? Why do you obey such rules as
"Don't handle this," "Don't taste that," "Don't touch the other"?
All these refer to things which become useless once they are used; they are only human rules and teachings.
Of course such rules appear to be based on wisdom in their forced worship of angels, and false humility, and severe treatment of the body; but they have no real value in controlling physical passions.
1 Timothy 4:1-3
The Spirit says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons.
Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are dead, as if burnt with a hot iron.
Such people teach that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by those who are believers and have come to know the truth.
1 Timothy 4:7-3
1 Timothy 6:3
Whoever teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching of our religion
2 Timothy 2:16-18
Keep away from profane and foolish discussions, which only drive people farther away from God.
Such teaching is like an open sore that eats away the flesh. Two men who have taught such things are Hymenaeus and Philetus.
They have left the way of truth and are upsetting the faith of some believers by saying that our resurrection has already taken place.
2 Timothy 3:7
women who are always trying to learn but who can never come to know the truth.
2 Timothy 3:13
and evil persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves.
2 Timothy 4:3
The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine, but will follow their own desires and will collect for themselves more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear.
Titus 1:9-11
He must hold firmly to the message which can be trusted and which agrees with the doctrine. In this way he will be able to encourage others with the true teaching and also to show the error of those who are opposed to it.
For there are many, especially the converts from Judaism, who rebel and deceive others with their nonsense.
It is necessary to stop their talk, because they are upsetting whole families by teaching what they should not, and all for the shameful purpose of making money.
Titus 3:9-11
But avoid stupid arguments, long lists of ancestors, quarrels, and fights about the Law. They are useless and worthless.
Give at least two warnings to those who cause divisions, and then have nothing more to do with them.
You know that such people are corrupt, and their sins prove that they are wrong.
Hebrews 13:9
Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you from the right way. It is good to receive inner strength from God's grace, and not by obeying rules about foods; those who obey these rules have not been helped by them.
Revelation 2:14
But there are a few things I have against you: there are some among you who follow the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak how to lead the people of Israel into sin by persuading them to eat food that had been offered to idols and to practice sexual immorality.
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