Bible Cross References
Isaiah 1:1
This book contains the messages about Judah and Jerusalem which God revealed to Isaiah son of Amoz during the time when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah.
Isaiah 10:20-23
A time is coming when the people of Israel who have survived will not rely any more on the nation that almost destroyed them. They will truly put their trust in the LORD, Israel's holy God.
A few of the people of Israel will come back to their mighty God.
Even though now there are as many people of Israel as there are grains of sand by the sea, only a few will come back. Destruction is in store for the people, and it is fully deserved.
Yes, throughout the whole country the Sovereign LORD Almighty will bring destruction, as he said he would.
a remnant
Romans 11:4-6
What answer did God give him? "I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not worshiped the false god Baal."
It is the same way now: there is a small number left of those whom God has chosen because of his grace.
His choice is based on his grace, not on what they have done. For if God's choice were based on what people do, then his grace would not be real grace.
Ezra 9:8
Now for a short time, O LORD our God, you have been gracious to us and have let some of us escape from slavery and live in safety in this holy place. You have let us escape from slavery and have given us new life.
Ezra 9:14
Then how can we ignore your commandments again and intermarry with these wicked people? If we do, you will be so angry that you will destroy us completely and let no one survive.
Isaiah 1:9
If the LORD Almighty had not let some of the people survive, Jerusalem would have been totally destroyed, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were.
Isaiah 10:20
A time is coming when the people of Israel who have survived will not rely any more on the nation that almost destroyed them. They will truly put their trust in the LORD, Israel's holy God.
Isaiah 10:21
A few of the people of Israel will come back to their mighty God.
Isaiah 11:11
When that day comes, the Lord will once again use his power and bring back home those of his people who are left in Assyria and Egypt, in the lands of Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Babylonia, and Hamath, and in the coastlands and on the islands of the sea.
Isaiah 24:13
This is what will happen in every nation all over the world. It will be like the end of harvest, when the olives have been beaten off every tree and the last grapes picked from the vines.
Jeremiah 5:10
I will send enemies to cut down my people's vineyards, but not to destroy them completely. I will tell them to strip away the branches, because those branches are not mine.
Ezekiel 6:8
"I will let some escape the slaughter and be scattered among the nations,
Micah 5:3-8
So the LORD will abandon his people to their enemies until the woman who is to give birth has her son. Then those Israelites who are in exile will be reunited with their own people.
When he comes, he will rule his people with the strength that comes from the LORD and with the majesty of the LORD God himself. His people will live in safety because people all over the earth will acknowledge his greatness,
and he will bring peace. When the Assyrians invade our country and break through our defenses, we will send our strongest leaders to fight them.
By force of arms they will conquer Assyria, the land of Nimrod, and they will save us from the Assyrians when they invade our territory.
The people of Israel who survive will be like refreshing dew sent by the LORD for many nations, like showers on growing plants. They will depend on God, not people.
Those who are left among the nations will be like a lion hunting for food in a forest or a pasture: it gets in among the sheep, pounces on them, and tears them to pieces---and there is no hope of rescue.
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