Bible Cross References
Luke 8:5
"Once there was a man who went out to sow grain. As he scattered the seed in the field, some of it fell along the path, where it was stepped on, and the birds ate it up.
Proverbs 1:24-26
I have been calling you, inviting you to come, but you would not listen. You paid no attention to me.
You have ignored all my advice and have not been willing to let me correct you.
So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you. I will make fun of you when terror strikes---
Proverbs 1:29-26
Matthew 13:19
Those who hear the message about the Kingdom but do not understand it are like the seeds that fell along the path. The Evil One comes and snatches away what was sown in them.
Mark 4:15
Some people are like the seeds that fall along the path; as soon as they hear the message, Satan comes and takes it away.
James 1:23
If you listen to the word, but do not put it into practice you are like people who look in a mirror and see themselves as they are.
James 1:24
They take a good look at themselves and then go away and at once forget what they look like.
Proverbs 4:5
Get wisdom and insight! Do not forget or ignore what I say.
Isaiah 65:11
"But it will be different for you that forsake me, who ignore Zion, my sacred hill, and worship Gad and Meni, the gods of luck and fate.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-14
The Wicked One will come with the power of Satan and perform all kinds of false miracles and wonders,
and use every kind of wicked deceit on those who will perish. They will perish because they did not welcome and love the truth so as to be saved.
And so God sends the power of error to work in them so that they believe what is false.
The result is that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken pleasure in sin, will be condemned.
We must thank God at all times for you, friends, you whom the Lord loves. For God chose you as the first to be saved by the Spirit's power to make you his holy people and by your faith in the truth.
God called you to this through the Good News we preached to you; he called you to possess your share of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:9
The huge dragon was thrown out---that ancient serpent, named the Devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world. He was thrown down to earth, and all his angels with him.