Bible Cross References
I have
Ezekiel 21:14
"Now, mortal man, prophesy. Clap your hands, and the sword will strike again and again. It is a sword that kills, a sword that terrifies and slaughters.
Ezekiel 21:17
I also will clap my hands, and my anger will be over. I, the LORD, have spoken."
Numbers 24:10
Balak clenched his fists in anger and said to Balaam, "I called you to curse my enemies, but three times now you have blessed them instead.
thy dishonest
Ezekiel 22:27
The government officials are like wolves tearing apart the animals they have killed. They commit murder in order to get rich.
Proverbs 28:8
If you get rich by charging interest and taking advantage of people, your wealth will go to someone who is kind to the poor.
Isaiah 33:15
You can survive if you say and do what is right. Don't use your power to cheat the poor and don't accept bribes. Don't join with those who plan to commit murder or to do other evil things.
Jeremiah 5:26
"Evildoers live among my people; they lie in wait like those who lay nets to catch birds, but they have set their traps to catch people.
Jeremiah 5:27
Just as a hunter fills a cage with birds, they have filled their houses with loot. That is why they are powerful and rich,
Jeremiah 7:9-11
You steal, murder, commit adultery, tell lies under oath, offer sacrifices to Baal, and worship gods that you had not known before.
You do these things I hate, and then you come and stand in my presence, in my own Temple, and say, 'We are safe!'
Do you think that my Temple is a hiding place for robbers? I have seen what you are doing.
Amos 2:6-8
The LORD says, "The people of Israel have sinned again and again, and for this I will certainly punish them. They sell into slavery honest people who cannot pay their debts, the poor who cannot repay even the price of a pair of sandals.
They trample down the weak and helpless and push the poor out of the way. A man and his father have intercourse with the same slave woman, and so profane my holy name.
At every place of worship people sleep on clothing that they have taken from the poor as security for debts. In the temple of their God they drink wine which they have taken from those who owe them money.
Amos 3:10
The LORD says, "These people fill their mansions with things taken by crime and violence. They don't even know how to be honest.
Amos 8:4-6
Listen to this, you that trample on the needy and try to destroy the poor of the country.
You say to yourselves, "We can hardly wait for the holy days to be over so that we can sell our grain. When will the Sabbath end, so that we can start selling again? Then we can overcharge, use false measures, and fix the scales to cheat our customers.
We can sell worthless wheat at a high price. We'll find someone poor who can't pay his debts, not even the price of a pair of sandals, and we'll buy him as a slave."
Micah 2:1-3
How terrible it will be for those who lie awake and plan evil! When morning comes, as soon as they have the chance, they do the evil they planned.
When they want fields, they seize them; when they want houses, they take them. No one's family or property is safe.
And so the LORD says, "I am planning to bring disaster on you, and you will not be able to escape it. You are going to find yourselves in trouble, and then you will not walk so proudly any more.
Micah 6:10
In the houses of evil people are treasures which they got dishonestly. They use false measures, a thing that I hate.
Micah 6:11
How can I forgive those who use false scales and weights?
1 Thessalonians 4:6
In this matter, then, none of you should do wrong to other Christians or take advantage of them. We have told you this before, and we strongly warned you that the Lord will punish those who do that.
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