Bible Cross References
Ezekiel 11:1
God's spirit lifted me up and took me to the east gate of the Temple. There near the gate I saw twenty-five men, including Jaazaniah son of Azzur and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, two leaders of the nation.
Ezekiel 37:7
So I prophesied as I had been told. While I was speaking, I heard a rattling noise, and the bones began to join together.
Numbers 14:35-37
I swear that I will do this to you wicked people who have gathered together against me. Here in the wilderness every one of you will die. I, the LORD, have spoken.' "
The men Moses had sent to explore the land brought back a false report which caused the people to complain against the LORD. And so the LORD struck them with a disease, and they died.
Deuteronomy 7:4
because then they would lead your children away from the LORD to worship other gods. If that happens, the LORD will be angry with you and destroy you at once.
1 Kings 13:4
When King Jeroboam heard this, he pointed at him and ordered, "Seize that man!" At once the king's arm became paralyzed so that he couldn't pull it back.
Proverbs 6:15
Because of this, disaster will strike them without warning, and they will be fatally wounded.
Jeremiah 28:15-17
Then I told Hananiah this, and added, "Listen, Hananiah! The LORD did not send you, and you are making these people believe a lie.
And so the LORD himself says that he is going to get rid of you. Before this year is over you will die because you have told the people to rebel against the LORD."
And Hananiah died in the seventh month of that same year.
Hosea 6:5
That is why I have sent my prophets to you with my message of judgment and destruction. What I want from you is plain and clear:
Acts 5:5
As soon as Ananias heard this, he fell down dead; and all who heard about it were terrified.
Acts 5:10
At once she fell down at his feet and died. The young men came in and saw that she was dead, so they carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
Acts 13:11
The Lord's hand will come down on you now; you will be blind and will not see the light of day for a time." At once Elymas felt a dark mist cover his eyes, and he walked around trying to find someone to lead him by the hand.
Deuteronomy 9:18
Then once again I lay face downward in the LORD's presence for forty days and nights and did not eat or drink anything. I did this because you had sinned against the LORD and had made him angry.
Deuteronomy 9:19
I was afraid of the LORD's fierce anger, because he was furious enough to destroy you; but once again the LORD listened to me.
Joshua 7:6-9
Joshua and the leaders of Israel tore their clothes in grief, threw themselves to the ground before the LORD's Covenant Box, and lay there till evening, with dust on their heads to show their sorrow.
And Joshua said, "Sovereign LORD! Why did you bring us across the Jordan at all? To turn us over to the Amorites? To destroy us? Why didn't we just stay on the other side of the Jordan?
What can I say, O Lord, now that Israel has retreated from the enemy?
The Canaanites and everyone else in the country will hear about it. They will surround us and kill every one of us! And then what will you do to protect your honor?"
1 Chronicles 21:16
David saw the angel standing in midair, holding his sword in his hand, ready to destroy Jerusalem. Then David and the leaders of the people---all of whom were wearing sackcloth---bowed low, with their faces touching the ground.
1 Chronicles 21:17
David prayed, "O God, I am the one who did wrong. I am the one who ordered the census. What have these poor people done? LORD, my God, punish me and my family, and spare your people."
Psalm 106:23
When God said that he would destroy his people, his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God and kept his anger from destroying them.
Psalm 119:120
Because of you I am afraid; I am filled with fear because of your judgments.
Ezekiel 9:8
While the killing was going on, I was there alone. I threw myself face downward on the ground and shouted, "Sovereign LORD, are you so angry with Jerusalem that you are going to kill everyone left in Israel?"
Amos 7:2
In my vision I saw the locusts eat up every green thing in the land, and then I said, "Sovereign LORD, forgive your people! How can they survive? They are so small and weak!"
Amos 7:5
Then I said, "Stop, O Sovereign LORD! How can your people survive? They are so small and weak!"