Bible Cross References
shall thy sons
Isaiah 49:18-22
Look around and see what is happening! Your people are assembling---they are coming home! As surely as I am the living God, you will be proud of your people, as proud as a bride is of her jewels.
"Your country was ruined and desolate--- but now it will be too small for those who are coming to live there. And those who left you in ruins will be far removed from you.
Your people who were born in exile will one day say to you, 'This land is too small--- we need more room to live in!'
Then you will say to yourself, 'Who bore all these children for me? I lost my children and could have no more. I was exiled and driven away--- who brought these children up? I was left all alone--- where did these children come from?' "
The Sovereign LORD says to his people: "I will signal to the nations, and they will bring your children home.
Psalm 45:11-16
Your beauty will make the king desire you; he is your master, so you must obey him.
The people of Tyre will bring you gifts; rich people will try to win your favor.
The princess is in the palace---how beautiful she is! Her gown is made of gold thread.
In her colorful gown she is led to the king, followed by her bridesmaids, and they also are brought to him.
With joy and gladness they come and enter the king's palace.
You, my king, will have many sons to succeed your ancestors as kings, and you will make them rulers over the whole earth.
Jeremiah 32:41
I will take pleasure in doing good things for them, and I will establish them permanently in this land.
as the bridegroom rejoiceth
Isaiah 62:4
No longer will you be called "Forsaken," Or your land be called "The Deserted Wife." Your new name will be "God Is Pleased with Her." Your land will be called "Happily Married," Because the LORD is pleased with you And will be like a husband to your land.
Isaiah 65:19
I myself will be filled with joy because of Jerusalem and her people. There will be no weeping there, no calling for help.
Song of Songs 3:11
Women of Zion, come and see King Solomon. He is wearing the crown that his mother placed on his head on his wedding day, on the day of his gladness and joy.
Hebrews 12:2
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne.
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