Bible Cross References
Isaiah 11:11
When that day comes, the Lord will once again use his power and bring back home those of his people who are left in Assyria and Egypt, in the lands of Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Babylonia, and Hamath, and in the coastlands and on the islands of the sea.
Isaiah 11:12
The Lord will raise a signal flag to show the nations that he is gathering together again the scattered people of Israel and Judah and bringing them back from the four corners of the earth.
Isaiah 27:12
On that day, from the Euphrates to the Egyptian border, the LORD will gather his people one by one, as threshing separates the wheat from the chaff.
Isaiah 27:13
When that day comes, a trumpet will be blown to call back from Assyria and Egypt all the Israelites who are in exile there. They will come and worship the LORD in Jerusalem, on his sacred hill.
Isaiah 54:7
"For one brief moment I left you; with deep love I will take you back.
Psalm 106:47
Save us, O LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, so that we may be thankful and praise your holy name.
Psalm 107:2
Repeat these words in praise to the LORD, all you whom he has saved. He has rescued you from your enemies
Psalm 107:3
and has brought you back from foreign countries, from east and west, from north and south.
Psalm 147:2
The LORD is restoring Jerusalem; he is bringing back the exiles.
Jeremiah 30:17
I will make you well again; I will heal your wounds, though your enemies say, 'Zion is an outcast; no one cares about her.' I, the LORD, have spoken."
Jeremiah 31:10
The LORD says, "Nations, listen to me and proclaim my words on the far-off shores. I scattered my people, but I will gather them and guard them as a shepherd guards his flock.
Hosea 1:11
The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited. They will choose for themselves a single leader, and once again they will grow and prosper in their land. Yes, the day of Jezreel will be a great day!
Micah 4:6
"The time is coming," says the LORD, "when I will gather together the people I punished, those who have suffered in exile.
Zephaniah 3:18-20
as joyful as people at a festival." The LORD says, "I have ended the threat of doom and taken away your disgrace.
The time is coming! I will punish your oppressors; I will rescue all the lame and bring the exiles home. I will turn their shame to honor, and all the world will praise them.
The time is coming! I will bring your scattered people home; I will make you famous throughout the world and make you prosperous once again." The LORD has spoken.
Zechariah 10:8-10
"I will call my people and gather them together. I will rescue them and make them as numerous as they used to be.
Though I have scattered them among the nations, yet in far-off places they will remember me. They and their children will survive and return home together.
From Egypt and Assyria I will bring them home and settle them in their own country. I will settle them in Gilead and Lebanon also; the whole land will be filled with people.
Isaiah 43:6
I will tell the north to let them go and the south not to hold them back. Let my people return from distant lands, from every part of the world.
Isaiah 49:12
My people will come from far away, from the north and the west, and from Aswan in the south."
Isaiah 49:22
The Sovereign LORD says to his people: "I will signal to the nations, and they will bring your children home.
Isaiah 60:3-11
Nations will be drawn to your light, And kings to the dawning of your new day.
Look around you and see what is happening: Your people are gathering to come home! Your sons will come from far away; Your daughters will be carried like children.
You will see this and be filled with joy; You will tremble with excitement. The wealth of the nations will be brought to you; From across the sea their riches will come.
Great caravans of camels will come, from Midian and Ephah. They will come from Sheba, bringing gold and incense. People will tell the good news of what the LORD has done!
All the sheep of Kedar and Nebaioth Will be brought to you as sacrifices And offered on the altar to please the LORD. The LORD will make his Temple more glorious than ever.
What are these ships that skim along like clouds, Like doves returning home?
They are ships coming from distant lands, Bringing God's people home. They bring with them silver and gold To honor the name of the LORD, The holy God of Israel, Who has made all nations honor his people.
The LORD says to Jerusalem, "Foreigners will rebuild your walls, And their kings will serve you. In my anger I punished you, But now I will show you my favor and mercy.
Day and night your gates will be open, So that the kings of the nations May bring you their wealth.
Isaiah 66:18-21
I know their thoughts and their deeds. I am coming to gather the people of all the nations. When they come together, they will see what my power can do
and will know that I am the one who punishes them. "But I will spare some of them and send them to the nations and the distant lands that have not heard of my fame or seen my greatness and power: to Spain, Libya, and Lydia, with its skilled archers, and to Tubal and Greece. Among these nations they will proclaim my greatness.
They will bring back all your people from the nations as a gift to me. They will bring them to my sacred hill in Jerusalem on horses, mules, and camels, and in chariots and wagons, just as Israelites bring grain offerings to the Temple in ritually clean containers.
I will make some of them priests and Levites.
Genesis 49:10
Judah will hold the royal scepter, And his descendants will always rule. Nations will bring him tribute And bow in obedience before him.
John 10:16
There are other sheep which belong to me that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them, too; they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock with one shepherd.
John 11:52
and not only for them, but also to bring together into one body all the scattered people of God.
Ephesians 1:10
This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.
Ephesians 2:14-16
For Christ himself has brought us peace by making Jews and Gentiles one people. With his own body he broke down the wall that separated them and kept them enemies.
He abolished the Jewish Law with its commandments and rules, in order to create out of the two races one new people in union with himself, in this way making peace.
By his death on the cross Christ destroyed their enmity; by means of the cross he united both races into one body and brought them back to God.
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