Bible Cross References
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Work hard at whatever you do, because there will be no action, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom in the world of the dead---and that is where you are going.
Proverbs 14:8
Why is a clever person wise? Because he knows what to do. Why is a stupid person foolish? Because he only thinks he knows.
Luke 14:28-32
If one of you is planning to build a tower, you sit down first and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job.
If you don't, you will not be able to finish the tower after laying the foundation; and all who see what happened will make fun of you.
'You began to build but can't finish the job!' they will say.
If a king goes out with ten thousand men to fight another king who comes against him with twenty thousand men, he will sit down first and decide if he is strong enough to face that other king.
If he isn't, he will send messengers to meet the other king to ask for terms of peace while he is still a long way off.
Ecclesiastes 10:10
If your ax is dull and you don't sharpen it, you have to work harder to use it. It is smarter to plan ahead.
Ecclesiastes 10:14
A fool talks on and on. No one knows what is going to happen next, and no one can tell us what will happen after we die.
Proverbs 17:16
It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, because he has no common sense.
Luke 12:18-20
This is what I will do,' he told himself; 'I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I will store the grain and all my other goods.
Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself !'
But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself ? ' "