Bible Cross References
1 Samuel 2:24
Stop it, my sons! This is an awful thing the people of the LORD are talking about!
Malachi 2:8
"But now you priests have turned away from the right path. Your teaching has led many to do wrong. You have broken the covenant I made with you.
Matthew 18:6
"If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.
Matthew 18:7
How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith! Such things will always happen---but how terrible for the one who causes them!
Romans 14:15
If you hurt others because of something you eat, then you are no longer acting from love. Do not let the food that you eat ruin the person for whom Christ died!
Romans 14:21
The right thing to do is to keep from eating meat, drinking wine, or doing anything else that will make other believers fall.
1 Corinthians 8:11-13
And so this weak person, your brother for whom Christ died, will perish because of your "knowledge"!
And in this way you will be sinning against Christ by sinning against other Christians and wounding their weak conscience.
So then, if food makes a believer sin, I will never eat meat again, so as not to make a believer fall into sin.
Psalm 22:30
Future generations will serve him; they will speak of the Lord to the coming generation.
Psalm 24:6
Such are the people who come to God, who come into the presence of the God of Jacob.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light.
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