Bible Cross References
unto the
Psalm 3:4
I call to the LORD for help, and from his sacred hill he answers me.
my King
Psalm 10:16
The LORD is king forever and ever. Those who worship other gods will vanish from his land.
Psalm 24:7
Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors, and the great king will come in.
Psalm 24:8
Who is this great king? He is the LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, victorious in battle.
Psalm 44:4
You are my king and my God; you give victory to your people,
Psalm 47:6
Sing praise to God; sing praise to our king!
Psalm 47:7
God is king over all the world; praise him with songs!
Psalm 74:12
But you have been our king from the beginning, O God; you have saved us many times.
Psalm 99:1-4
The LORD is king, and the people tremble. He sits on his throne above the winged creatures, and the earth shakes.
The LORD is mighty in Zion; he is supreme over all the nations.
Everyone will praise his great and majestic name. Holy is he!
Mighty king, you love what is right; you have established justice in Israel; you have brought righteousness and fairness.
Psalm 145:1
I will proclaim your greatness, my God and king; I will thank you forever and ever.
Isaiah 33:22
All the rigging on those ships is useless; the sails cannot be spread! We will seize all the wealth of enemy armies, and there will be so much that even the lame can get a share. The LORD himself will be our king; he will rule over us and protect us.
unto thee
Psalm 65:2
because you answer prayers. People everywhere will come to you
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