Bible Cross References
Job 22:7-9
You refused water to those who were tired, and refused to feed those who were hungry.
You used your power and your position to take over the whole land.
You not only refused to help widows, but you also robbed and mistreated orphans.
Deuteronomy 15:7-10
"If in any of the towns in the land that the LORD your God is giving you there are Israelites in need, then do not be selfish and refuse to help them.
Instead, be generous and lend them as much as they need.
Do not refuse to lend them something, just because the year when debts are canceled is near. Do not let such an evil thought enter your mind. If you refuse to make the loan, they will cry out to the LORD against you, and you will be held guilty.
Give to them freely and unselfishly, and the LORD will bless you in everything you do.
Psalm 112:9
He gives generously to the needy, and his kindness never fails; he will be powerful and respected.
Luke 16:21
hoping to eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs would come and lick his sores.
Acts 11:29
The disciples decided that they each would send as much as they could to help their fellow believers who lived in Judea.
Galatians 2:10
All they asked was that we should remember the needy in their group, which is the very thing I have been eager to do.
the eyes
Deuteronomy 28:32
Your sons and daughters will be given as slaves to foreigners while you look on. Every day you will strain your eyes, looking in vain for your children to return.
Psalm 69:3
I am worn out from calling for help, and my throat is aching. I have strained my eyes, looking for your help.
Psalm 119:82
My eyes are tired from watching for what you promised, while I ask, "When will you help me?"
Psalm 119:123
My eyes are tired from watching for your saving help, for the deliverance you promised.
Isaiah 38:14
My voice was thin and weak, And I moaned like a dove. My eyes grew tired from looking to heaven. LORD, rescue me from all this trouble.
Lamentations 4:17
For help that never came, we looked until we could look no longer. We kept waiting for help from a nation that had none to give.
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