Bible Cross References
And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath
Genesis 4:14
You are driving me off the land and away from your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth, and anyone who finds me will kill me."
Genesis 3:14
Then the LORD God said to the snake, "You will be punished for this; you alone of all the animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to eat dust as long as you live.
Deuteronomy 27:16-26
" 'God's curse on anyone who dishonors his father or mother.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who moves a neighbor's property line.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who leads a blind person in the wrong direction.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who deprives foreigners, orphans, and widows of their rights.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who disgraces his father by having intercourse with any of his father's wives.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who has sexual relations with an animal.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who has intercourse with his sister or half sister.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who has intercourse with his mother-in-law.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who secretly commits murder.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who accepts money to murder an innocent person.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
" 'God's curse on anyone who does not obey all of God's laws and teachings.' "And all the people will answer, 'Amen!'
Deuteronomy 28:15-20
"But if you disobey the LORD your God and do not faithfully keep all his commands and laws that I am giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you:
"The LORD will curse your towns and your fields.
"The LORD will curse your grain crops and the food you prepare from them.
"The LORD will curse you by giving you only a few children, poor crops, and few cattle and sheep.
"The LORD will curse everything you do.
"If you do evil and reject the LORD, he will bring on you disaster, confusion, and trouble in everything you do, until you are quickly and completely destroyed.
Deuteronomy 29:19-21
Make sure that there is no one here today who hears these solemn demands and yet convinces himself that all will be well with him, even if he stubbornly goes his own way. That would destroy all of you, good and evil alike.
The LORD will not forgive such a man. Instead, the LORD's burning anger will flame up against him, and all the disasters written in this book will fall on him until the LORD has destroyed him completely.
The LORD will make an example of him before all the tribes of Israel and will bring disaster on him in accordance with all the curses listed in the covenant that is written in this book of the LORD's teachings.
Galatians 3:10
Those who depend on obeying the Law live under a curse. For the scripture says, "Whoever does not always obey everything that is written in the book of the Law is under God's curse!"
Job 16:18
O Earth, don't hide the wrongs done to me! Don't let my call for justice be silenced!
Job 31:38-40
If I have stolen the land I farm and taken it from its rightful owners---
if I have eaten the food that grew there but let the farmers that grew it starve---
then instead of wheat and barley, may weeds and thistles grow. The words of Job are ended.
Isaiah 26:21
The LORD is coming from his heavenly dwelling place to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The murders that were secretly committed on the earth will be revealed, and the ground will no longer hide those who have been killed.
Revelation 12:16
But the earth helped the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth.