Bible Cross References
Psalm 80:5
You have fed them with the bread of tears, and given them tears to drink a third time.
Psalm 102:9
For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping,
2 Samuel 16:12
It may be that Jehovah will look on my affliction, and that Jehovah will repay me with good for his cursing this day.
Psalm 42:10
As with a shattering of my bones, my enemies have reproached me, while they say daily to me, Where is your God?
Psalm 3:2
Many are saying of my soul, There is no deliverance for him in God. Selah.
Psalm 22:8
He trusted on Jehovah; let Him deliver Him; let Him rescue Him, since He delights in Him!
Psalm 79:10
Why should the nations say, Where is their God? Let it be known among the nations in our sight, the avenging of the blood of Your servants which has been shed.
Psalm 79:12
and return upon our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord.
Psalm 115:2
Why should the nations say, Where now is their God?