Bible Cross References
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Luke 12:47
"The servant who knows what his master wants him to do, but does not get himself ready and do it, will be punished with a heavy whipping.
Luke 12:48
But the servant who does not know what his master wants, and yet does something for which he deserves a whipping, will be punished with a light whipping. Much is required from the person to whom much is given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given.
John 9:41
Jesus answered, "If you were blind, then you would not be guilty; but since you claim that you can see, this means that you are still guilty."
John 13:17
Now that you know this truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice!
John 15:22
They would not have been guilty of sin if I had not come and spoken to them; as it is, they no longer have any excuse for their sin.
Romans 1:20
Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all!
Romans 1:21
They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness.
Romans 1:32
They know that God's law says that people who live in this way deserve death. Yet, not only do they continue to do these very things, but they even approve of others who do them.
Romans 2:17-23
What about you? You call yourself a Jew; you depend on the Law and boast about God;
you know what God wants you to do, and you have learned from the Law to choose what is right;
you are sure that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in darkness,
an instructor for the foolish, and a teacher for the ignorant. You are certain that in the Law you have the full content of knowledge and of truth.
You teach others---why don't you teach yourself ? You preach, "Do not steal"---but do you yourself steal?
You say, "Do not commit adultery"---but do you commit adultery? You detest idols---but do you rob temples?
You boast about having God's law---but do you bring shame on God by breaking his law?
Romans 7:13
But does this mean that what is good caused my death? By no means! It was sin that did it; by using what is good, sin brought death to me, in order that its true nature as sin might be revealed. And so, by means of the commandment sin is shown to be even more terribly sinful.
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