Bible Cross References
Pharisees heard
John 7:47-53
"Did he fool you, too?" the Pharisees asked them.
"Have you ever known one of the authorities or one Pharisee to believe in him?
This crowd does not know the Law of Moses, so they are under God's curse!"
One of the Pharisees there was Nicodemus, the man who had gone to see Jesus before. He said to the others,
"According to our Law we cannot condemn people before hearing them and finding out what they have done."
"Well," they answered, "are you also from Galilee? Study the Scriptures and you will learn that no prophet ever comes from Galilee."
John 11:47
So the Pharisees and the chief priests met with the Council and said, "What shall we do? Look at all the miracles this man is performing!
John 11:48
If we let him go on in this way, everyone will believe in him, and the Roman authorities will take action and destroy our Temple and our nation!"
John 12:19
The Pharisees then said to one another, "You see, we are not succeeding at all! Look, the whole world is following him!"
Matthew 12:23
The crowds were all amazed at what Jesus had done. "Could he be the Son of David?" they asked.
Matthew 12:24
When the Pharisees heard this, they replied, "He drives out demons only because their ruler Beelzebul gives him power to do so."
Matthew 23:13
"How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You lock the door to the Kingdom of heaven in people's faces, but you yourselves don't go in, nor do you allow in those who are trying to enter!
John 7:45
When the guards went back, the chief priests and Pharisees asked them, "Why did you not bring him?"
John 7:46
The guards answered, "Nobody has ever talked the way this man does!"
John 18:3
So Judas went to the garden, taking with him a group of Roman soldiers, and some Temple guards sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees; they were armed and carried lanterns and torches.
Luke 22:52
Then Jesus said to the chief priests and the officers of the Temple guard and the elders who had come there to get him, "Did you have to come with swords and clubs, as though I were an outlaw?
Luke 22:53
I was with you in the Temple every day, and you did not try to arrest me. But this is your hour to act, when the power of darkness rules."
Acts 5:26
So the officer went off with his men and brought the apostles back. They did not use force, however, because they were afraid that the people might stone them.