Bible Cross References
Matthew 21:18-22
On his way back to the city early next morning, Jesus was hungry.
He saw a fig tree by the side of the road and went to it, but found nothing on it except leaves. So he said to the tree, "You will never again bear fruit!" At once the fig tree dried up.
The disciples saw this and were astounded. "How did the fig tree dry up so quickly?" they asked.
Jesus answered, "I assure you that if you believe and do not doubt, you will be able to do what I have done to this fig tree. And not only this, but you will even be able to say to this hill, 'Get up and throw yourself in the sea,' and it will.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
he was
Matthew 4:2
After spending forty days and nights without food, Jesus was hungry.
Luke 4:2
where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days. In all that time he ate nothing, so that he was hungry when it was over.
John 4:6
Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired out by the trip, sat down by the well. It was about noon.
John 4:7
A Samaritan woman came to draw some water, and Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink of water."
John 4:31-33
In the meantime the disciples were begging Jesus, "Teacher, have something to eat!"
But he answered, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about."
So the disciples started asking among themselves, "Could somebody have brought him food?"
John 19:28
Jesus knew that by now everything had been completed; and in order to make the scripture come true, he said, "I am thirsty."
Hebrews 2:17
This means that he had to become like his people in every way, in order to be their faithful and merciful High Priest in his service to God, so that the people's sins would be forgiven.