Bible Cross References
the Lord
Jonah 4:6
Then the LORD God made a plant grow up over Jonah to give him some shade, so that he would be more comfortable. Jonah was extremely pleased with the plant.
Genesis 1:21
So God created the great sea monsters, all kinds of creatures that live in the water, and all kinds of birds. And God was pleased with what he saw.
Psalm 104:25
There is the ocean, large and wide, where countless creatures live, large and small alike.
Psalm 104:26
The ships sail on it, and in it plays Leviathan, that sea monster which you made.
Habakkuk 3:2
O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now do again in our times the great deeds you used to do. Be merciful, even when you are angry.
Matthew 12:40
In the same way that Jonah spent three days and nights in the big fish, so will the Son of Man spend three days and nights in the depths of the earth.
Matthew 16:4
How evil and godless are the people of this day! You ask me for a miracle? No! The only miracle you will be given is the miracle of Jonah." So he left them and went away.
Luke 11:30
In the same way that the prophet Jonah was a sign for the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be a sign for the people of this day.