Bible Cross References
the law
Leviticus 14:2
the following regulations about the ritual purification of those of you cured of a dreaded skin disease. On the day you are to be pronounced clean, you shall be brought to the priest,
Leviticus 14:32
This is the law for those who have a dreaded skin disease but who cannot afford the normal offerings required for his purification.
Leviticus 6:9
to give Aaron and his sons the following regulations for burnt offerings. A burnt offering is to be left on the altar all night long, and the fire is to be kept burning.
Leviticus 6:14
The following are the regulations for grain offerings. An Aaronite priest shall present the grain offering to the LORD in front of the altar.
Leviticus 6:25
to give Aaron and his sons the following regulations for sin offerings. The animal for a sin offering shall be killed on the north side of the altar, where the animals for the burnt offerings are killed. This is a very holy offering.
Leviticus 7:1
The following are the regulations for repayment offerings, which are very holy.
Leviticus 7:37
These, then, are the regulations for the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, the sin offerings, the repayment offerings, the ordination offerings, and the fellowship offerings.
Leviticus 11:46
This, then, is the law about animals and birds, about everything that lives in the water, and everything that moves on the ground.
Leviticus 15:32
These are the regulations about a man who has a discharge or an emission of semen,
Numbers 5:29
This is the law in cases where a man is jealous and becomes suspicious that his wife has committed adultery. The woman shall be made to stand in front of the altar, and the priest shall perform this ritual.
Numbers 6:13
When you complete your nazirite vow, you shall perform this ritual. You shall go to the entrance of the Tent
Numbers 19:14
In the case of a person who dies in a tent, anyone who is in the tent at the time of death or who enters it becomes ritually unclean for seven days.
Deuteronomy 24:8
"When you are suffering from a dreaded skin disease, be sure to do exactly what the levitical priests tell you; follow the instructions that I have given them.
Leviticus 13:30
the priest shall examine it. If it seems to be deeper than the surrounding skin and the hairs in it are yellowish and thin, it is a dreaded skin disease, and he shall pronounce you unclean.
Leviticus 13:31
If, when the priest examines you, the sore does not appear to be deeper than the surrounding skin, but there are still no healthy hairs in it, he shall isolate you for seven days.
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