Bible Cross References
O priests
Hosea 4:1
The LORD has an accusation to bring against the people who live in this land. Listen, Israel, to what he says: "There is no faithfulness or love in the land, and the people do not acknowledge me as God.
Hosea 4:6
My people are doomed because they do not acknowledge me. You priests have refused to acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge your sons as my priests.
Hosea 4:7
"The more of you priests there are, the more you sin against me, and so I will turn your honor into disgrace.
Hosea 6:9
The priests are like a gang of robbers who wait in ambush for someone. Even on the road to the holy place at Shechem they commit murder. And they do all this evil deliberately!
Malachi 1:6
The LORD Almighty says to the priests, "Children honor their parents, and servants honor their masters. I am your father---why don't you honor me? I am your master---why don't you respect me? You despise me, and yet you ask, 'How have we despised you?'
Malachi 2:1
The LORD Almighty says to the priests, "This command is for you:
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Hosea 7:3-5
The LORD says, "People deceive the king and his officers by their evil plots.
They are all treacherous and disloyal. Their hatred smolders like the fire in an oven, which is not stirred by the baker until the dough is ready to bake.
On the day of the king's celebration they made the king and his officials drunk and foolish with wine.
1 Kings 14:7-16
Go and tell Jeroboam that this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to him: 'I chose you from among the people and made you the ruler of my people Israel.
I took the kingdom away from David's descendants and gave it to you. But you have not been like my servant David, who was completely loyal to me, obeyed my commands, and did only what I approve of.
You have committed far greater sins than those who ruled before you. You have rejected me and have aroused my anger by making idols and metal images to worship.
Because of this I will bring disaster on your dynasty and will kill all your male descendants, young and old alike. I will get rid of your family; they will be swept away like dung.
Any members of your family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and any who die in the open country will be eaten by vultures. I, the LORD, have spoken.' "
And Ahijah went on to say to Jeroboam's wife, "Now go back home. As soon as you enter the town, your son will die.
All the people of Israel will mourn for him and bury him. He will be the only member of Jeroboam's family who will be properly buried, because he is the only one with whom the LORD, the God of Israel, is pleased.
The LORD is going to place a king over Israel who will put an end to Jeroboam's dynasty.
The LORD will punish Israel, and she will shake like a reed shaking in a stream. He will uproot the people of Israel from this good land which he gave to their ancestors, and he will scatter them beyond the Euphrates River, because they have aroused his anger by making idols of the goddess Asherah.
The LORD will abandon Israel because Jeroboam sinned and led the people of Israel into sin."
1 Kings 21:18-22
"Go to King Ahab of Samaria. You will find him in Naboth's vineyard, about to take possession of it.
Tell him that I, the LORD, say to him, 'After murdering the man, are you taking over his property as well?' Tell him that this is what I say: 'In the very place that the dogs licked up Naboth's blood they will lick up your blood!' "
When Ahab saw Elijah, he said, "Have you caught up with me, my enemy?" "Yes, I have," Elijah answered. "You have devoted yourself completely to doing what is wrong in the LORD's sight.
So the LORD says to you, 'I will bring disaster on you. I will do away with you and get rid of every male in your family, young and old alike.
Your family will become like the family of King Jeroboam son of Nebat and like the family of King Baasha son of Ahijah, because you have stirred up my anger by leading Israel into sin.'
2 Chronicles 21:12-15
The prophet Elijah sent Jehoram a letter, which read as follows: "The LORD, the God of your ancestor David, condemns you, because you did not follow the example of your father, King Jehoshaphat, or that of your grandfather, King Asa.
Instead, you have followed the example of the kings of Israel and have led the people of Judah and Jerusalem into being unfaithful to God, just as Ahab and his successors led Israel into unfaithfulness. You even murdered your brothers, who were better men than you are.
As a result, the LORD will severely punish your people, your children, and your wives, and will destroy your possessions.
You yourself will suffer a painful intestinal disease that will grow worse day by day."
Jeremiah 13:18
The LORD said to me, "Tell the king and his mother to come down from their thrones, because their beautiful crowns have fallen from their heads.
Jeremiah 22:1-9
The LORD told me to go to the palace of the king of Judah, the descendant of David, and there tell the king, his officials, and the people of Jerusalem to listen to what the LORD had said:
"I, the LORD, command you to do what is just and right. Protect the person who is being cheated from the one who is cheating him. Do not mistreat or oppress aliens, orphans, or widows; and do not kill innocent people in this holy place.
If you really do as I have commanded, then David's descendants will continue to be kings. And they, together with their officials and their people, will continue to pass through the gates of this palace in chariots and on horses.
But if you do not obey my commands, then I swear to you that this palace will fall into ruins. I, the LORD, have spoken.
"To me, Judah's royal palace is as beautiful as the land of Gilead and as the Lebanon Mountains; but I will make it a desolate place where no one lives.
I am sending men to destroy it. They will all bring their axes, cut down its beautiful cedar pillars, and throw them into the fire.
"Afterward many foreigners will pass by and ask one another why I, the LORD, have done such a thing to this great city.
Then they will answer that it is because you have abandoned your covenant with me, your God, and have worshiped and served other gods."
Amos 7:9
The places where Isaac's descendants worship will be destroyed. The holy places of Israel will be left in ruins. I will bring the dynasty of King Jeroboam to an end."
Micah 3:1
Listen, you rulers of Israel! You are supposed to be concerned about justice,
Micah 3:9
Listen to me, you rulers of Israel, you that hate justice and turn right into wrong.
Hosea 9:11-17
Israel's greatness will fly away like a bird, and there will be no more children born to them, no more women pregnant, no more children conceived.
But even if they did bring up children, I would take them away and not leave one alive. When I abandon these people, terrible things will happen to them."
LORD, I can see their children being hunted down and killed.
What shall I ask you to do to these people? Make their women barren! Make them unable to nurse their babies!
The LORD says, "All their evildoing began in Gilgal. It was there that I began to hate them. And because of the evil they have done, I will drive them out of my land. I will not love them any more; all their leaders have rebelled against me.
The people of Israel are like a plant whose roots have dried up and which bears no fruit. They will have no children, but even if they did, I would kill the children so dear to them."
The God I serve will reject his people, because they have not listened to him. They will become wanderers among the nations.
Hosea 10:15
That is what will happen to you, people of Bethel, because of the terrible evil that you have done. As soon as the battle begins, the king of Israel will die."
Hosea 13:8
I will attack you like a bear that has lost her cubs, and I will tear you open. Like a lion I will devour you on the spot, and will tear you to pieces like a wild animal.
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Hosea 9:8
God has sent me as a prophet to warn his people Israel. Yet wherever I go, you try to trap me like a bird. Even in God's Temple the people are the prophet's enemies.
Micah 7:2
There is not an honest person left in the land, no one loyal to God. Everyone is waiting for a chance to commit murder. Everyone hunts down their own people.
Habakkuk 1:15-17
The Babylonians catch people with hooks, as though they were fish. They drag them off in nets and shout for joy over their catch!
They even worship their nets and offer sacrifices to them, because their nets provide them with the best of everything.
Are they going to use their swords forever and keep on destroying nations without mercy?
Judges 4:6
One day she sent for Barak son of Abinoam from the city of Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, "The LORD, the God of Israel, has given you this command: 'Take ten thousand men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them to Mount Tabor.
Jeremiah 46:18
I, the LORD Almighty, am king. I am the living God. As Mount Tabor towers above the mountains and Mount Carmel stands high above the sea, so will be the strength of the one who attacks you.