Bible Cross References
speaketh fair
Psalm 12:2
All of them lie to one another; they deceive each other with flattery.
Psalm 28:3
Do not condemn me with the wicked, with those who do evil--- those whose words are friendly, but who have hatred in their hearts.
Jeremiah 9:2-8
I wish I had a place to stay in the desert where I could get away from my people. They are all unfaithful, a mob of traitors.
They are always ready to tell lies; dishonesty instead of truth rules the land. The LORD says, "My people do one evil thing after another and do not acknowledge me as their God."
Everyone must be on guard against their friends, and no one can trust their relatives; for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob, and everyone slanders their friends.
They all mislead their friends, and no one tells the truth; they have taught their tongues to lie and will not give up their sinning. They do one violent thing after another, and one deceitful act follows another. The LORD says that his people reject him.
Because of this the LORD Almighty says, "I will refine my people like metal and put them to the test. My people have done evil--- what else can I do with them?
Their tongues are like deadly arrows; they always tell lies. Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors, but they are really setting a trap for them.
Micah 7:5
Don't believe your neighbor or trust your friend. Be careful what you say even to your husband or wife.
Jeremiah 12:6
Even your relatives, members of your own family, have betrayed you; they join in the attacks against you. Do not trust them, even though they speak friendly words."
Matthew 24:23
"Then, if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or 'There he is!'---do not believe it.
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are seven things that the LORD hates and cannot tolerate: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people, a mind that thinks up wicked plans, feet that hurry off to do evil, a witness who tells one lie after another, and someone who stirs up trouble among friends.
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