Bible Cross References
as chaff
Psalm 1:4
But evil people are not like this at all; they are like straw that the wind blows away.
Psalm 83:13-17
Scatter them like dust, O God, like straw blown away by the wind.
As fire burns the forest, as flames set the hills on fire,
chase them away with your storm and terrify them with your fierce winds.
Cover their faces with shame, O LORD, and make them acknowledge your power.
May they be defeated and terrified forever; may they die in complete disgrace.
Job 21:18
and blow them away like straw in the wind, or like dust carried away in a storm?
Isaiah 17:13
The nations advance like rushing waves, but God reprimands them and they retreat, driven away like dust on a mountainside, like straw in a whirlwind.
Isaiah 29:5
Jerusalem, all the foreigners who attack you will be blown away like dust, and their terrifying armies will fly away like straw. Suddenly and unexpectedly
Hosea 13:3
And so these people will disappear like morning mist, like the dew that vanishes early in the day. They will be like chaff which the wind blows from the threshing place, like smoke from a chimney.
Exodus 14:19
The angel of God, who had been in front of the army of Israel, moved and went to the rear. The pillar of cloud also moved until it was
Isaiah 37:36
An angel of the LORD went to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 soldiers. At dawn the next day there they lay, all dead!
Acts 12:23
At once the angel of the Lord struck Herod down, because he did not give honor to God. He was eaten by worms and died.
Hebrews 11:28
It was faith that made him establish the Passover and order the blood to be sprinkled on the doors, so that the Angel of Death would not kill the first-born sons of the Israelites.